I learned my lesson from Man of Steel all those many years ago.
It’s not “superhero fatigue” Look how well Thor is doing. It’s the fact that this is getting terrible reviews, and a lot of people arent getting burned by DC movies again (Wonder Woman excluded, of course.)
You can lead a balloon to water....
Isn’t being the producer of the Kardashian TV shows enough?
Punisher War Journal: “there’s this overbearing woman that keeps narrating my life, she keeps talking about ‘The City’ this and ‘People being inspired’ that, while all I really wanna do is kill the people responsible for killing my family”
Lena and Jenni sound like every neighbor of mine who wrote the judge letters supporting the neighborhood pedophile who molested my son. They sound just as clueless about the fact that predators don’t just groom their victims; they also groom their supporters.
You know what more disrespectful than taking a knee during The Pledge Of Allegiance or National anthem? Serving in the US military, fighting for our freedom, coming home and getting shot dead because you were driving while Black.
That actually sounds like it could be a great country song...
This is a major blow to the NFL’s efforts to force all Americans to kneel during the national anthem, which I am also against. That’s what this is about, right? I get my news from Fox, so I am woefully misinformed.
This is like finding out that Charles Dickens had secret crew of slave-boys.
It doesn’t make sense for them to have the batsignal at all since this version of Batman murders people.
This is some FAKE NEWS BULLSHITE! Nobody knows what happened in Batman vs Superman.
MANIMAL Resurrection
If Superman has a mustache then maybe he came from the Darkest timeline or Mirror Universe.
IMO: The fact that Dr Strange counts as “mediocre” in the MCU is a ringing endorsement of the overall quality of the MCU.
I love it when conservative morons thrash about and post ridiculous assertions without any facts to back them up.
Fuck off, Nazi Brownshorts.