
Are you seriously implying that ISIS decided to murder a bunch of tweenage girls because the Conservative lead in the opinion polls has slumped from 22 points to 16 points?

He lost it 17-83, she’s going to lose it by 40-60. She only has to make up 10 points by 2022. That’s her real aim.

Consent isn’t a relevant concept to most of the people who undertake such practices, especially not when it comes to children.

Wait, so you became a man then got circumcised? How can it be mutilation if you have it done when you were old enough to have already had a sex change?

Because the women don’t see it as painful, they see it as part of life. If you and your mother, and all her sisters and female cousins and friends and all their mothers and grandmothers and great grandmothers, going back generations and generations, had been circumcised, why wouldn’t you allow it to happen?

Are they still insisting that Selina ‘lost’ the election? Because there would be soooooo much potential in a Selina who could, at any moment, become President via a House of Representatives vote.

It makes no sense is spanish and you’re basically mutilating our language, but I’m glad it at least gives white people like you a warm feeling to use it.

They’re giving him a platform because there’s (apparently) a large audience for his schtick- and they want that dollar bill.

While I’m all for these type of courses, I’d keep them off my college transcript if I was a student enrolled on them. As someone involved in the hiring of new employees, I’d be really put off if I saw this. It screams ‘will work here for three months and then sue us because someone made a “that’s what she said” joke

So basically no-one from any of the 30 states (or one congressional district) that voted for Trump is allowed to voice opposition to him?

In what universe is someone with 4 million dollars broke? She’s not marrying Kevin Federline!

You basically just called a bunch of brown people practising their traditional customs savages. That’s what makes you a racist.

She’ll go down in history as the woman who let the far right back into Germany- there are no more ‘good’ days left for her.

Yeah, that’s the real tragedy here. Not the people crushed to death under the wheels of a truck., but that a few right wingers might get elected by capitalising on their deaths.

Were Anders Brevik, Timothy McVey and the IRA not terrorists then?

Birmingham (UK) has a massive christmas market and the government recently dispatched SO-19 (the only branch of the British police allowed to carry guns) to patrol in case something like this happened.

So let me see if I have this straight (going by these comments):

Asking an activist to a private conversation on a very public controversy is just a way to butter them up so they’ll go easy on you since, gosh golly, you’re such a babe in the woods, and look, it worked. By the time the movie premiered the discontent about the casting was down to minor grumbling instead of ramped up

Uh, no. That’s not what this is about at all. The child will only have two legal parents.

The current UK government is Conservative with a large and small C, and aren’t that much less right wing than our conservatives