
It should be Maggie Hassan. She’s been a Governor, then Senator, of a swing state (one that’s 95% white, so she’s unlikely so forget that you actually need their votes). She’ll be 62 in 2020, so old enough but not too old. Her record is moderate enough that she can pivot over the next four years, plus she’s low

Tax reasons, I’d imagine.

A truly delightful troll? Wow, I guess all those people on Vine tricking their friends into biting into chocolate eggs that have actually been filled with real egg are the Dorothy Parkers and Noel Cowards of 2016.

Who would they send? The only Democrats that Louisiana has voted for in the past 20 years are Mary Landrieu (now deeply unpopular), Kathleen Blanco (retired), John Bel Edwards (campaigned like a trooper for Campbell) and Bill Clinton (has other things on his mind).

Can Obama not say that they’ve delayed it long enough and just appoint his choice? 

So you wouldn’t jump at having Blanche Lincoln, Mary Landrieu, Kay Hagan and Mark Pryor back in the Senate? Might be a bit more difficult for Trump to nominate cabinet positions and supreme court justices if the Dems had 52 seats.

99.9% of the comments on here are pure, undiluted hysteria. It’s amazing to me that people were allowed to wear the full veil into public schools or through police check points in the first place.

Hates them by treating them the same as everyone else? Or do you think Germany (who force their citizens to carry photo ID at all times) let non-Muslims regularly turn up to school, or drive through police check points, with their faces totally covered?

a ban on the full face veil in courts, schools, universities, road traffic and during police checks

Why the fuck do all these people have such disgustingly long fingernails?

I can’t believe the Michelle Obama is going to be replaced as First Lady by someone who is literally an Eastern European whore.

Trying to work out why Clinton lost is like trying to work out what’s triggering your eczema- fucking impossible because it could be a million different things. For example;

See, this is exactly what I mean. You’re implying I used ‘you people’ in a pejorative way, even though I know nothing about you. I was actually referring to the sort of people who think they’re tearing down the structures of oppression by tweeting about Kylie jennet’s hair being cultural appropriation. But go ahead,

You know, maybe if you people actually engaged in conversation rather than being all ‘omg, fuck you I can’t even #hashtagsgalore meme meme meme’ maybe you might actually win an argument one in a while. But that would involve you not being a total cunt to everyone who doesn’t share your exact outlook.

This isn’t about the kid, it’s about the teacher who was like ‘I didn’t know how to respond to her’

My problem is that a fucking teacher was so caught up in her own bullshit that that she fucking questioned whether to allay the fears of a young child! Donald Trump is going to be a fucking nightmare, but it is fucking INSANE to even contemplate that he is going to ENSLAVE minority children.

Yeah, a similar thing happened in the UK after Brexit, because the racists who voted for Brexit thought (mistakenly) that they were in the majority. The general public were horrified and police/authorities are dealing with it and we’re beginning to move forward. However it would be insane to go round insinuating to

I’m still baffled by the ‘10 trans youths have killed themselves since the race was called for Trump’ claims. Like, did they not want to wait and see? I mean, did he promise to force them all conform to their biological sex? Did I miss the announcement of that policy? It’s such an absurd overreaction. For all we know

perpetuates the myth that the election of Trump was not predicated on racism... That middle class whites aren’t mainly interested in being reinstated as the overwhelming ruling class... Whites voting for Trump were very clearly repudiating our black president

“If Trump is elected, will I be a slave?”