Not surprised that the West’s definition of “Fair Play” leads to the African team being eliminated.
Not surprised that the West’s definition of “Fair Play” leads to the African team being eliminated.
We all assumed that nerds were just ostracized for their smarts and interests, and that once no longer outcasts, they would contribute and adjust to society as equals.
‘80s jocks were right - nerds are bad fucking news.
Looking forward to to complaints about the his replacement dealing out harsh sentences to everybody, and naturally persons of color, who will be disproportionately penalized. Oh, it will be crickets, except for vague criticisms about mass incarceration? Good work everybody.
I see what you’re saying but I think you are putting someone in a tough spot when you ask them to comment publicly about the head of their company. His no comment was probably the best we could hope for there.
No, I agree. It’s problematic to write this kind of article when Deadspin hasn’t said shit about the stuff that’s come up around Greg Howard.
The one thing that I have trouble separating is that PFT is far from the only employee that separates what they themselves do from other bad behavior on the blog that they work at. There are several allegations that have come out in the not-to-distant past about current or former Deadspin employees. To my knowledge,…
I love Deadspin and I am and will always be Team Deadspin, particularly when it comes to Barstool.
Ginger Beer is no less a basic ingredient than Coca-Cola.
Knows who Vince Russo is, pretends not to be a pro wrestling fan.
Yeah no, that’s not answering the question, ya jabroni.
Um, thanks for clarifying?
What did Ronan Farrow do that was “not ok” in your estimation?
The primary is the most tactical time to bring it up. You have to defeat these losers before they get on the ballot, not just let them walk into a general election and get trounced.
That’s what you said in 2016. Look where it got us.
Ah, so the Bernie movement doesn’t exist, never did, and caused the downfall of the Democratic Party! This is an interesting theory and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
“The DCCC is who you can thank for the political might we have acquired over the past several decades”
In that the Democrats are at their lowest point since the end of the Reconstruction, this is entirely true. The loss of power and rise of people like Ryan, Bush, Cheney and Trump is fully on the Democratic…
Is the DCCC also inversely to blame for the political might the Democrats lost during the Obama era, where nearly a thousand legislative seats they previously held were lost to Republicans? Or do they get credit for good things and not get blame for bad things?
Patrick, show me on the doll where Arsene Wenger touched you. He may not have seen ze incident, but I promise we will.
“Europe League”?