"The Same Guy"!? "The Same Guy"!? That's Eric motherfucking Peterson, co-author and star of Billy Bishop Goes to War
"The Same Guy"!? "The Same Guy"!? That's Eric motherfucking Peterson, co-author and star of Billy Bishop Goes to War
The Witch-Hunter thing was part of the supposedly leaked synopsis. Basically after her Daughter gets caught up with Witches, are heroine teams up with Witch Hunters.
That's Poppy Mitchell, who's a kind of amalgamation of her and Miley Cyrus and every other Disney Tween celebutante.
It's admirable because studios, distributors, and investors tend to balk at films that are centered around women, even though the market clearly exists for them.
I thought Poppy Mitchell was the Lohan/Cyrus parody?
The word's pretty much only used in that small group, dude, and not being aware of pro-ana is like not knowing about furries.
It's not that he's bragging about losing weight. He tagged the pix "thinspiration", a tag that's only really used by anorexics who are reinforcing each other's anorexia. It's "problematic" because he's making light of eating disorders in a really shitty way.
I like FO3. I'm currently in the midst of replaying it because a friend lied to me and told me TTW was stable. But it's an arms length kinda thing, you know? Like RTD's time as Showrunner on Doctor Who
Some rich Japanese dude is probably gonna buy it. Twin Peaks was crazy big in Japan.
See, I was happy when I first heard it was set on the East coast because I thought that meant it'd be a clean break. They could keep things that made sense or were iconic like Vaults, but basically start from scratch when it came to everything else. My problem's more that they didn't really do that.
See. I find that interesting because FO3 is, in my opinion, the one where the player-character has less agency. Your motivations, history, and goals are spelled out from the off by a huge, overlong, unskippable story sequence, and by the fact that the game's really more about James than about the player. I always feel…
The chance is around 5%, but unless you're playing on hardcore mode, chances are you've got a huge backlog of sarsaparilla at home.
What bothers me about Fallout 3 is that it's kind of this weird cargo cult thing. I mean don't get me wrong. I'm not one of those people who hates the game and spergs out about it. I'm not from 4chan or Eastern Europe. But what I don't like is how it basically turns its back on the one thing that makes fallout games…
See, I disagree because to me most of the just wandering stuff in FO3 was incredibly samey and boring. Oh wow. Another house or apartment or hotel room where there's a skeleton in a bathtub, bed or chair surrounded by drugs and/or a handgun. Whatever might have happened here?
It's more to do with legacy tech. Josh Sawyer, who was lead on New Vegas, defended his game by pointing out that even basic things like proper optimization would require a huge overhaul of the entire engine. Skyrim was an improvement in this area, but…
There are a limited number placed in the world, but whenever you drink a sarsaparilla the game makes a roll and determines whether you get a regular bottle cap or a star cap. Since sarsaparilla shows up in containers that refresh and in vendor inventories, it's not hard.
It's actually a pop culture reference that most people won't get. Something to do with some tootsie roll pops that were sold in the midwest in the sixties, seventies and eighties having an archer on the inside of the wrapper or something
Alas, they were hoisted on their own petard there. Obsidian's always been a PC-Centric Dev. It was a choice between nixing light sources and so on or having smaller spaces that still looked good at night.
It'll run on Yahoo Screen.
Yeah. He and Gatiss have both poo poo'd the way that Holmes reinvented them as petty, squabbling, oxbridge fuckwits extensively as well.