Veronica Corningstone

Most of her hair was extensions, and they were undoubtedly weighing her down. Britney started going bald from years of extensions, so it's understandable Bey would cut them off. That's probably her real hair. I hope she grows it out, it will probably be beautiful.

Brit looks amazing.

I love this couple. I bet they laugh all the time.

Yeah, it peaked in '96.

Said it before and I'll say it again. Kim is gorgeous. I hope she doesn't ruin her face with plastic surgery, though her mom seems to have a good surgeon who doesn't make her look like a burn victim.

He's the hero of it all!

Perfect. God, when was the last time he and Hillary had sex, I wonder? 1984?

And apparently he likes men. Hey, whatever.

I remember when you were anonymous! You'll be missed! xoxo

Oh I loved MSCL. My sadness at the lack of a second season persists to this day.

I graduated high school in 1995. Yikes.


1. You are a beautiful woman.

Trigger trigger trigger

But Jordan Dunn was axed because her boobs were too big. Wonderful message to send to women.

One of my cats is 13 and she still suckles on my ears. Ah, cats.

I LOVE that guy.

The one dent in this whole affair is the Voting Rights Act. You just know Congress ain't rejiggering that thing anytime soon, and until then, how many people will be blocked from the ballot?

This woman is a hero. No food or water, or leaning against something, or straying from topic, or bathroom breaks. She single-handedly stopped it. Amazing.

What's crazy is, these moments in the promos seem so fraught with tension, but when played out on the show they hold little weight.