He is so over this shit.
He is so over this shit.
The last one is kinda sweet.
I'm guilty of the passive-aggressive anger thing. It takes me a while to break down and emote. I know it, my boyfriend knows it, but he's cool with it because I also accept his flaws.
In my college bathroom, someone had scrawled in black Sharpie a section of a poem by Mary Oliver called Dogfish, and I never forgot it:
That's not what Serena was saying - she was doubting the boys deserved a sentence like the one they got, even though the evidence was everywhere. Also, the girl was 16. We know this as adults - never leave your drink unattended, etc - but at 16?
That is not what she said. She said the boys didn't deserve the sentence they got, and the girl was lucky she wasn't victimized even worse, perhaps gang-raped - not that being raped and photographed while being victimized isn't bad enough. This is very different from saying, "Parents need to teach better values." She…
...but if you're a 16-year-old and you're drunk like that, your parents should teach you: don't take drinks from other people. She's 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn't remember?
My mom had me at 43, so...
I'm 35. 20 was more exciting.
Do I wish teens would stay sober? Sure. But it's not their fault when they're victimized if they don't. Why is this so hard for some people to understand?
This spread comes with a gigantic trigger warning, right?
Nonplussed. Nice.
The sleep thing - god, I'd fall asleep in the middle of work. At a certain point I had to run to a small conference room, lock the door and take a nap because my eyes were closing against my will. I asked a psychiatrist for Provigil, but he gave me a mood stabilizer instead, Lamotrigine. It was a godsend. I never nap…
That crying without really crying? The not really letting it in? Those are Oxy tears. I'm having disturbing flashbacks.
Get off my lawn.
The heels really save it.
No shame in it. It's the #1 news site for a reason. It's that right-hand side column, always drawing my eyes to another salacious story.
Once I got rid of that notion, that everything would be ok if only I was thin, my life opened up. A friend remarked that I am so much happier with an extra 15; when I'm thin, she said, she knows I am not in a good place because I've been obsessing about my weight.
"The irrationality of hopes pinned on weight loss" - a.k.a., my childhood. Thanks, mom, for tying weight to self-esteem!
I was gonna say. I knew someone on that speedy stuff and she got so skinny.