
An AMD SoC would be interesting to see, and considering the strides they’ve made in recent years a part of me thinks they could do it if Nintendo approached them. And having a Zen/Navi mobile SoC would make porting from Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 presumably easier.

And what if they weren’t partnering with NVIDIA for this new device? People had noticed last August that NVIDIA stopped following Nintendo on Twitter. Not the worst thing in the world, but a bit odd in this day and age for two companies that are supposedly in a business partnership. There are alternatives to NVIDIA in

Delays are always a real possibility. All it really does is give them more time to either A) manufacture more than they previously ordered since the release is further back, or B) upgrade some of the parts that may not have been as good as they could have been. A good example would be the RAM. The current Switch

Nor necessarily. With how many rumors are swirling around, and how strong they can be, it might discourage sales of the current models, and obviously Nintendo doesn’t want to lose that momentum. By publicly denouncing the rumors, regardless of how true they actually are, they placate customers who either just recently

The rumors were saying that all first party Nintendo games would run on all Switch platforms and it would be backwards compatible. Third party games, such as Resident Evil 2 Remake, would be exclusive to the Switch Pro due to its significantly higher performance. Lately many have speculated, not rumored, that DOOM

I am. The model number is not the same as the original, and it sports an updated version of the Tegra X1 chip. It’s a new model. Even the motherboard is labeled “MODIN” which standards for “Modified ODIN”. It’s not the same, but it’s not entirely different like the Lite is.

The New 3DS had a better processor and more RAM in it, hence why some games could only run on the New 3DS and if you tried to play them on the old 3DS they either didn’t work or the performance was so abysmal you should just stop trying.

I’ll believe it when 2020 has come and gone. Pretty sure they said this last year too, and then we got two new models.

I can’t find any source for this. All I can find is that Kingdom Hearts if jointly owned by Square and Disney and that maybe at one point, Square almost lost the license to Disney properties, meaning they would be unable to make Kingdom Hearts games or use Sora and other original characters in other games without

Disney does not own Kingdom Hearts absolutely, they didn’t even create Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is a Square Enix property that was created in COLLABORATION with Disney as it uses Disney characters. At most you could call it a 50/50 split. Square can insert their own characters as they please, but for Disney

I’m personally hoping that this is setting up Yozora to get his own game or trilogy that is a remix of Versus XIII in its entirety, hopefully with a new title and not bound by Kingdom Hearts, but connected to it when needed(Because I want it to have the M rating that Nomura intended for Versus XIII and you can’t have

I stopped commenting, like, 12 hours ago at least, and the amount of comments probably accounts for... 6 out of 65? That’s not much and each comment was either about something different or addressing someone else’s point. I like discussion and I wouldn’t say I’m complaining about it. Heck, this comment you responded

I’m not saying you’re wrong, though I do question why “It’s okay to be sexy.” is problematic. My whole issue is mainly that it’s backwards to treat sexy stuff as the spawn of satan, but then praise stuff like Grand Theft Auto where you commit mass murder on a regular basis. I don’t know about you, but the latter is

I know, I was more referring to the original release on Wii U, just poorly.

Yeah that’s not really something you’d immediately notice while playing the game. I mean it’s still a really weird thing to remove, and once you’ve seen a side by side the western version does look weird because it’s like she lacks muscles in her abdomen, but that is hardly a deal breaker. Honestly I don’t even care

Eh. I went to a couple Japanese sites that reported on it. Translating the comment sections showed just about every response was someone being ticked off that they’re getting the censored western version and wanting a refund.

I’d take Yakuza 7 any day over this. At least Yakuza is the same on both sides of the Pacific.

Nope. Last time it happened it was entirely on Nintendo of America asking Atlus to make changes. This time around it’s reportedly Sega who have adopted a globalization policy. They want their games to have a broader western appeal, and that means making a one size fits all version of their games. In this case, they

Not sure why it would be since it’s still missing all of that and even the Japanese version is now the Western version, which the JP fans were none too happy about and refunded the game in droves after Nintendo issued an apology.

If it weren’t Oculus exclusive, especially to the damn Quest, it would be great.