
As has been reported every time Chicago gets brought up as a RW talking point, while Chicago & Illinois itself has some moderately strict gun control laws, Indiana does not and it’s RIGHT THERE. Most of our guns come from Indiana. The reason NYC’s gun control laws work fairly well is because the neighboring states

I didn’t want to be “that guy,” but if you don’t make it to “Ballad of Fallen Angels” (the fifth episode), you’re not really giving Cowboy Bebop a fair shake.

In high school, I read Roger Ebert’s review of Princess Mononoke and, inspired by his overwhelming love for the film, went to go see it in theater. I was absolutely entranced. It was stunningly beautiful but incredibly mature and intelligent. I remember the feeling, it was like seeing Star Wars for the first time.

Sean, you might try Princess Mononoke next after Spirited Away. I suspect that one was most people’s gateway to Miyazaki, and probably remains most people’s favorite Ghibli film (though mine is still SA). Its Miyazaki in epic fantasy mode, though its fantasy elements are a lot less anything-goes than SA and

I do not particularly care for the original version of this song (I know, I’m a crap human being) but, goddamn, this one was and remains amazing. It’s just perfection. And of course Prince is on fire.

this is the only crowd source funding thing I would ever, EVER contribute to


I know people like to pick on Anderson’s aesthetic as twee and inauthentic, but I can’t think of another director who can make every single scene so beautifully framed and populated. Seriously, every shot of this trailer is an accomplished composition.

I call it “high-school high”

You clearly didn’t have a slew of Midwestern aunties defending Trump’s pussy remarks as “Don’t be so naive! That’s just how all men really are!” on Facebook last year. Which is to say: many of these women really do believe that all men are like this, and — to be fair! — many of the men in their

I’m Rob Lee and I haven’t left the church. Y’all haven’t gotten rid of me yet.

Hard pass.

Some are anarchists. I think most people don’t know what that really means though as it doesn’t mean causing violence. Others are communists. Most are somewhere along the anarcho-communist lines. Some are just antifascists. But the thing that is missing is that the ones instigating violence (usually wanting a

GLOW is pretty good; not what I expected when I started watching it (a bit more serious), and well acted. It felt very time-capsule-y to me, in a good way. I’m looking forward to the second season.

If it’s politics of a bigoted asshole who doesn’t see and my friends and family worthy of the same human rights, protections and deference given to him? You’re damn right politics is more important than sex. I don’t reward shitlords with good pussy, sorry. There are plenty of other hot dudes without shitty political

I understand that you have a personal connection to this case and I don’t mean to diminish your experience at all.

I just don’t understand why scientists try to continue to interfere with God’s plan for Charlie.

Just for fun, I’m going to try to explain this story to my mom.

Well thank goodness you made sure to point out some of us do not have the option. Full time: Exec Assistant and Reception at a small real estate office - there IS no one else. Part time: radio - again, no breaks. So how about an article about how the American people have squandered all of their “worker’s rights” by

I don’t take a lunch break because my asshole company wants me to stop the clock while I’m lunching, so a “9 to 5" is really either an “8 to 5" or “9 to 6.” I have a family and other parts of my life that I like a lot, lot more than my job, and I have a commute through some of the worst traffic in the country. I grew