
A spouse or child could possibly be programmed in. What about a parking attendant or valet? That's the real issue.

What kind of liquid metal are we talking about here? Are we talking about adding more mercury to electronics that will eventually find it's way into the water table?

PPPHLLLLLBBBTTTT! Only season one of Archer is available. WHERE'S THE NEW STUFF, NETFLIX? HUH?

Prior experience? OK. You must mean experiences like the "Death Grip" antenna problem on the iPhone 4? How about the software glitch creating a false signal strength indication? Or maybe the one where the phone would hang up when you went to talk because the proximity sensor wasn't calibrated properly? And then

Well, hey, I don't want you to be disappointed, so here's a few more advertising tricks that you might want to be aware of:

Name me one Apple product that has come out in the last 5 years that hasn't had some kind of bug in the initial release requiring a software update within a few months. Especially true of the iPhones. Listen, it's real simple: you want to be the first to have the newest and coolest gadget, you're going to have to

"But the worst aspect, and something that Apple downplays in its promotional materials, is that Siri requires a network connection to work. "

Bollocks! Bond would have some gadget from Q to figure this out. What does he know about code cracking?

Also: will Elton John still appear on their money?

Based on the headline, I was wondering why anyone would need this when Find My iPhone is free in the App Store. Then I read the article.

Meh, no big loss. Maybe we should keep Troy Polamalu in a bunker in Ohio just in case...

I don't know about you guys, but anything I hear re: what Anonymous is going to do that appears in mainstream or even semi-mainstream (like Reddit) news is immediately discounted. It doesn't make much sense to announce to the world that you're about to do something illegal. If it's really going to go down, you'll

What's a cohune?

Hmm? What?

There will never be a day when people aren't raising cattle and birds for eating. No matter how efficient this becomes, the only place it will be used is for fast food, cold cuts, and cheap meats. There will always be a segment of the population that will insist on natural meat, grown from animals, and no matter how

Funny, I thought this was why The Onion started the AV Club.

I've never had a problem streaming Amazon or Hulu on my Roku. When I've brought up this Netflix issue to the Roku people, they told me it has to do with the way Netflix structures their streams not being dynamic and needing to reload if the connection speed gets too low. It sucks, especially since it will not

Honestly, Netflix could do whatever they wanted so long as they introduced dynamic streams like Hulu and Amazon. If I never see the loading screen in the middle of a movie again, it will be too soon.

You're talking about hitting a moving target with a bullet: a single instant that must be timed exactly. A laser is a constant source. If you watch the video, you'll notice that it flashes because the man is simply waving it at the helicopter, hitting it intermittently as it passes.