
Building a computer is not that difficult at all, especially with a kit from Tiger Direct or NewEgg. Also, formatting the hard drive on a new machine and reinstalling Windows is not that difficult if you have the Windows disk. Either way, you need to install Windows at some point.

"Google tweaking its algorithm to put more weight towards 'official' pages"

Or maybe stealing a car instead of relying on a taxi as your getaway vehicle. I mean, if you're going to commit one felony, what's two, right?

We're bummed because it's being pulled from Netflix streaming. As in you can't stream it to your TV or computer anymore. Did you read the article before posting?

What's your damage, Mario?

This has to be the biggest waste of time and space in the history of the app store. Ok, that may be exaggerated, but why in the world would anyone need this app? And please, people, for the love of music, stop watching concerts through your phone. If you wanted to experience a concert that way, save your money and

The real question is not do I know but do I care. And the answer would be no, because it doesn't really matter. The point is that they're pushing hardware with insignificant improvements before the old hardware is obsolete in order to pad their bottom line. Maybe I should have picked a more ridiculous number, like

Stop that! What's this rubbish about making products more robust? How are we supposed to keep sales numbers up if things don't break and require consumers to purchase a replacement every few months? You can't expect people to simply buy our newest gadget every year simply because we've upgraded the processor by 5% or

The guy was surrounded by SNOW. Do you know what snow is made of? WATER. When he got thirsty, he probably ATE SOME SNOW.

Well, crap. Looks like I'm gonna have to switch over to a liquid helium cooling system.

I don't see the problem here. Doesn't everybody use liquid nitrogen to cool their CPU?

"The sucky thing is that Aereo costs $12 a month. A little expensive for free TV, if you ask me. "

So, the first no answer on the flowchart was "Bill Murray." What does that have to do with lunch?

Absolutely right, they are George's films, to do with as he pleases. But it's our right to complain when we don't like the changes he makes. If he's going to whine about how much the fans are complaining, and then try to make it seem like we are the ones rewriting history, we're going to call him on it.

Thing is, in the original version, Greedo never even got a shot off. Han just blew him away. It was badass, and it helped establish him as someone with gray morals, which makes his return to help the Rebels at the end of the film that much more meaningful. But George can't see that for the pile of bullshit coming

I don't know what makes you think Sprint will be much better. Instead of getting screwed with an orange dick, you get screwed with a yellow one.

That was in response to the "breaking it up into little pieces to burn up in the atmosphere" post. Changing trajectory is possible, but very tricky.

You would need more nuclear bombs than we have ever produced for this Hollywood fantasy to happen.

"Assuming we can detect the threat early enough,"