
Those production trucks are not running a generator 24 hours a day. They're also not two stories tall and they don't take up 2 lanes of traffic. This thing is huge. It causes a disruption in the neighborhood. I'm all for being able to spend your money as you see fit, but not if it's going to cause problems for

Some of us also know how to use the Search function built in to our computer, so we don't need to keep everything in perfectly labeled and organized folders. If you do that, you may be sick. It's called obsessive compulsive disorder.

Anonymous is about to become the new Al Queda. Any time a computer system goes down or gets hacked, Anonymous will be brought up by the press, whether they had something to do with it or not. Sooner or later the government will begin spending money (if they haven't already) to track down and stop Anonymous as part of

"who the hell has a concealed weapons permit for a sword?"

"That's why he created this crazy sensor for under a buck"

High end vodka (40 proof +) would work, as well as Everclear, which can actually be cheaper than rubbing alcohol in some areas. The key is to find alcohol with as little sugar as possible, because the sugars can cause residue.

What do you think is in that cleaning solution you just paid $15 for?

Well, keep sending your manufacturing to third world countries. What do you expect, when you pay someone peanuts to manufacture a product that you then sell at a huge markup? Of course they're going to steal that knowledge and use it to make an inferior product at half the price.

I don't know that this is a commentary on the quality of movies so much as the quality of our critics. As time goes up in the chart, the polarization of the criticisms seems to diverge, showing that either more critics are being accounted for in the sample, or the same number of critics start having very different

In the future, everything will be vending machines as well...

Record companies only have themselves and their greed to blame. This chart is an excellent visual showing how they priced themselves out of business. When the only source for music was either a CD or a radio, they kept raising prices and wondering why sales were going down. Now that we have the choice of not paying

Dude, WTF? It didn't show up, so you posted it 6 times! Once is disgusting and not funny, but 6 F'n TIMES!

What the hell is a "statuorganizer"?

I don't see any part of this agreement (and I haven't read the whole thing, I'm just going with what's presented in this article) that prohibits app makers from putting a note on their subscription page saying something like "please go to our website, www.Blahblah.com, and sign up for our service. While you can sign

OK, but how many of them have TWO airports? That was not a difficult question. It's interesting how far off the machine was.

You can kiss Stevie's butt all you want, you're still not getting an invite to the iPad2 launch party.

If it's so disappointing, don't click on posts labeled "FACTOID." That's a pretty good indication that all you're going to get is a blurb and a link, and it's much easier to notice now with the new redesign.

I think you answered your own question there...

Yeah, except the difference is that in programming (or any field, really) having a degree from Carnegie Mellon is respected. In production, having a degree from Full Sail is actually a detriment.

Save yourself the money and find a local club or audio/lighting company who needs some shop help. You'll learn more, and have better connections when you leave.