
True. I have no problem with breaking. Hell I watch Tim Conway and Harvey Korman just for the breaking.

Ready for season two of 3% *fist pump*

I never watched enough SNL to get annoyed by Hader’s constant breaking. But watching him break repeatedly as Stefon will never not be funny.

Yes. That comment requires a therapy-level of explanation. I LOOOOOOOVE science fiction and B-movies make me happy. This was one movie I was physically angry about being suckered into seeing.

Bill Hader could stand to take an acting class sometime.

The first batch of players pretty much hit it out of the park all the time. Then it was hit or miss for a while. Then in the late 80's and early 90's, they had assembled a group that was even better when Phil Hartman was on. For that batch, there were several years in a row where they did awesome every single

All along it was Jimmy who wanted his hair tousled.

I love John Mulaney so much. The guy is hilarious.

I had no idea he put new jokes on the cue cards between dress and air. That’s absolutely brilliant.

His career seems to be ok for him.

“If you’re Irish, or just white and violent...” How can you not laugh trying to say that?

Exactly. They don’t let Hader read the Stefon skit ahead of time, so he’s reading it for the first time on the prompter.

Unfortunately those damn left and right coasters tend to be the only ones that get the good stuff. I’d give my dominant hand to get a CocoCurry or hell, even a Go Go Curry somewhere in Colorado.

Now that I’ve seen John Mulaney live a few times, I COMPLETELY see his style in Stefon writing. And I’m sad for not being allowed in the room when they come up with this shit. Mulaney rules.

Yes! Whatever it is, Mulaney knows perfectly how to get him. That’s what I love about it. Even the little thing he whispered to him. Out of context it’s a shrug, but however he did it, it got Hader to crack.

I love Stefon sketches for a few reasons:

You sound like a stuck up a-hole. It is hilarious watching the other players break. Ferrell used to do it to Fallon all the time. We know it works because the crowd loves it. Don’t be so upright. It’s just a TV show — although, it should be noted, one that must be doing something right if it has stayed in the air for

Stefon is so good becaues Hader is trying so hard not to break, but Mulaney knows exactly what to spring on him that will get him to do it.

Agreed. And I also get kinda mad at myself at how much I like seeing Hader unable to keep it together and break constantly. But I love it.

I actually get kinda mad at myself for liking the Stefon sketches so much.