
You Tube makes a lot of money off of Jones and his bullshit. They probably don’t want to lose that cash so they are trying hard to let him stay on, but he is THE DUMBEST ASSHOLE EVER so he will get himself banned.

Ever noticed how conservatives have never understood the First Amendment?

I’m pretty conservative myself, but even I think this guy’s a total quack

Tiiiiny violin.

You gave heard of the ACLU, right? There gave been numerous times they have fought for groups like the Klan to gave their freedom of speech.

That’s the one thing that worries me about being a fat guy that still lives “at home”, to be confued for one of “those guys”.

The bottom line is he’s riding on the coattails of Googles advertising power. Many advertisers have no idea they are used to promote Infowars until some group makes them aware and threatens to boycott their business. Google is 100% complicit in the ruse. Alex Jones could easily hire a programmer to create a website

“Jones’ channel is still alive and well on YouTube, with two videos uploaded today alone. The first is titled, ‘IS THIS THE LAST VIDEO OF ALEX JONES ON YOUTUBE?’”

All that money Alex Jones supposedly has and he can’t buy a private server to host his own videos?

Sorry, Jones’ relationship with the truth is best described as adversarial.

Advertisers are fleeing, so he’ll delete the channel himself and claim he was banned. He’ll whine about unfairness and first amendment, and his viewers, already dumb enough to listen to him in the first place, will lap it up. YouTube will release a statement saying they didn’t have anything to do with it, and Jones’

PRIVATE COMPANY!!! They can do whatever they want. There is no free speech issue. No slippery slope. Just a company doing what it needs to - or thinks it needs to - to stay profitable / in operation. Don’t Like it? Start using a competitor. No competitor? Start your own video service. But as a user who spends $0.00

Alex Jones got in trouble because his grasp of Youtube rules and reality is unreliable.

You don’t know how censorship works.

Don’t have kids.

Cant help but wonder how much extra money he is making since lying to right wngers is so extremely easy and profitable.

Unless whatever he was selling was to get a sunburn in 45 days, I’m pretty amazed he couldn’t even attempt to use a rudimentary tool to photoshop himself.

Now playing

Infowars is a scam to plug useless food supplements.

I’m just going to throw this out there......

I read somewhere that Jones was one of the lizard people, but I don’t believe it.