
I’m not on Twitter, but can someone bring this young man to the attention of a few Black celebrities and get him some money? Don’t make me have to figure out Twitter myself...

I agree with this. Doesn’t matter whether this team had more money or talent than the others. School sports is about building relationships through a common activity in a safe, productive environment. That necessitates a ceiling on the competition therein. That this coach focused entirely on winning at the expense of

Not only did they credit it, the lead-in image of the video had the Deadspin logo.

Tom Becka scares the shit out of me.

This was a public service.

The video was genius in its simplicity. I’m not aware of the other things that you’ve done at your job, but I’m pretty sure this video is the best thing you are going to do. For the rest of your career, you’ll be known as the guy that made the Sinclair video.

Don’t apologize, and don’t blame yourself for bad takes stemming from your video.

What you did there was a beautiful thing, imo. You don’t need to have an agenda to be able to lampoon the fuck out of a twisted, dishonest thing such as this.

I liked that “dumb” video and told two friends, and they told two friends and so on and so on.

Though it may frowned upon in America, try not to beat yourself up for educating people. Stay strong.

More like it just made you think you’re special.

The “war” is on democracy, not on the “media.”

Just because this singular statement that Sinclair forced its broadcasters to record and air “does not sink to the level of propaganda” does not mean that it is not, by and large, a statement to let slide the constant propaganda that Sinclair forces on networks it owns.
It normalizes a stance against other news

Thankfully the only two channels they own in my area don’t have news programing at all. All the major news stations are not owned by them.

If you have any understanding of the history of journalism and stuff, it is damn scary. Your feelings are rational and justified.

I haven’t watched local news in decades. It’s either crime and death and the rest is useless fluffing and sports.

This is the end game of the 1980s media consolidation.

Seriously, this is nothing more than propaganda and it’s pretty disgusting. To call for objectively while inserting a subjective editorialization (‘we’re concerned about the troubling trend of irresponsible, one sided news stories plaguing our country’) is as ridiculous as trying to control what people think (that’s

in all honesty, and i never reply on these things, but this is maybe the scariest thing i’ve seen in a very long time. it’s not about WHAT they’re saying, it’s THAT they’re saying it under the guise of regular news. holy hell.