
But really, can SOMEONE fill Keith in?

This was a fantastic episode. We learn so much more about CLive, while also having his story tie into the overarching story. And with Liv on "stalker" brain, her distrust for Majeor reaches a boiling point at the end which is sure to spark for weeks to come.

Probably the worst of the mid season finales, and the worst episode of the season thus far. There were some good moments, Morgan and Carol being the standout, but everything else felt like a giant waiting game. Negan is coming soon, so that's cool.

Bye Bye Carl's eye next episode?


I was hoping they would just splice some of his scenes from Harry Potter in.

The scene with Annalise asking them one by one to shoot her was INSANE.

The only problem with Wes is his role as a side character all season; now we area all suddenly supposed to care about him again? This storyline feels like it will propel Annalise more than it will propel Wes. The Eve reveal is huge, because now we know she has more to do with the Keating 5 in general than she was

This episode was so good! The flashbacks all came together, character moments hit home, and the reveals all worked.

Okay, that sex montage was… something.

Yep, it'll be 2 hours!

I've been a big Jeremy fan since Day 1 of SJDS.

Wiggles was a boring player. She would not have been on this season if not for her being the first loser of the first season.

I agree. I have been thinking about this theory for a while.

Re vote, Wentworth and Jeremy would have been immune, I believe.

I really think Jeremy is in a great place to win.

Perfect summary.

I'm in the middle on Fishbach. He's somewhere between a Cochran and a Spencer.

Fishbach the fish out of water who somehow becomes amazeballs at challenges? I'm in.

I was really worried that Fishbach was going home based on his edit, but now I'm thinking it *could* be his winner's edit. The down and out tribe member who has to scratch and claw his way to the top.