
SHould be an A. This is shaping up to be the best season since…Cagayan.

I was literally DYING when Keith took the To-to. Never change Keith.

Another FANTASTIC episode. iZombie is moving into my top 10 TV shows of all time with each week. I love it. The character moments are coming more often, the comedy is on point, and the cases building into the main plot is perfect.

B feels low for this episode. It's at least a B+ in my book. That fight with Zoom though!

As soon as this show does something good, it undoes all of the work put behind the character motivations and relies on exposition and character swings to tell the story. Gotham is always gritty to look at, but the grit turns out to be bland set pieces more often than not. The show still has a lot of potential, the


Yeah, Maggie's accent has gone down hill since Season 3.

It felt like a good Season 3 episode, which tells you a lot about how good season 3 was…

This was not a great episode, but it did what it needed to do. The Alexandrians are largely boring, but more backstory may alleviate that.

The Good Dinosaur will be there too.

This is great. SO GREAT.

Yes. Yes he was.

How about Keith this episode? Man, that man is HILARIOUS!

Joe looked a little confused, but certainly not as confused as Spencer made him out to be.

Kass is fun to watch, but she was not long for this season. People were too aware of her and her brand of chaos.

Joe's immunity win is not good for him long term. But, I suppose, if he has Spencer as his brain he is safe.

Man with some sort of aquatic attachment?

What season did you start watching?

I really thought they were going to. I really wish Abi would have gotten double votes so she could get her revenge on two-votes Woo.

Jeff asked it like he was going to eat it himself!