
*Blank Stare*

He'll do that awkward stare he always does. It's as if the sun is always in his eye .

And the editors have been phenomenal this entire season, and captured it beautifully. Maybe the best single story arc in the show's history.

It's incredibly Shakespearean.

Plus he is hard of hearing, so he can't even strategize much. He literally is bad at every challenge, and takes orders from Audry. At least he tried.

I think that's everyone's opinion of Joe at this point. I think he may be chilling at that Temple where Keith, Kelley and Spencer went on reward.

I'm not so sure that Scot and Jason would have taken Tai to F3. They know he is a good player, with a good overall social game and would probably win in that scenario. Scot even said as much. Tai has 2 advantages, and if he plays them correctly, could be a lock for the F3 now.

Tai just cemented himself in Survivor history. And he's probably locked I to F3 if he plays his advantages correctly. In the moment, I thought it was a dumb move, a great dumb move albeit, but thinking about it now, he's in a great spot. The look on Scot and Jason's faces told the story of the moment.

Ravi's face when Liv and Major walked in on Him and Peyton was pretty priceless too.

I thought these episodes were great, but the finale was not quite as great as last seasons. The story threads all came together nicely, but I feel they may have come together a bit too nicely. I suppose that Rob Thomas thought the show was getting canceled, and decided to wrap it all up, and have the extra scene we

I was getting wayyyyy too excited. I'm sorry

Ohhh You!

This was a decent penultimate episode, but the decision to split away from Alexandria and search for Carol seems so forced. Plus, no easy dick jokes.

This wasn't the worst Slammy Awards ever, but nahhhh it was bad. Seth Rollins should still be WWE Champion even with the injury because there is simply no one better.

Why so much hate against Sheamus though?

I thought this was one of the better episodes of the season so far. Guess I have a different taste in comedy…

I had no idea there was a Season 2!

I think Felicia Day's You're Never Weird on the Internet (almost) should at least be an honorable mention. It wasn't great writing, but she told her life story well and it came from the heart.

And BTW, why are people already hating on Grease Live! ?

This was an amazing show. The music was perfect, lines were spot on, and the emotional moments hit hard. Bravo, NBC.