
Why no score?

Alec face is legendary.

She won't be a Ponderosa ):

Not too upset about PG going home, and I really like the tribe divisions. That Ta Keo tribe with Keith and Joe might be slightly overpowered though. I have no idea how Varner got himself out of that situation, but kudos to him. Abi is so fun to watch, but I'm not sure how far I actually want her to make it. Is the

Yeah he could have still be in the season. He could just always be chilling on the couch or something.

Sucks that Henry doesn't stick around.

Max Rager has dirt on Major. No way he is pulling the wool over their eyes.

Fantastic way to start the season. It checked off all the Major story beats it needed to. Tells us what went on during the break, sets up the "Big Bad" for the season, and re introduces the main characters in familiar roles.

The Flash and iZombie!!!! So happy to have my DC Comics night on CW!

Season 1 felt very uneven to me. The L.A locale was underutilized, and the characters all feel shallow. The army story went nowhere, and the decision to unleash 2,000 walkers on the base was stupid and endangering.

Season 2 is better so far, but I can see it falling into the same traps as Season 1. The flash forwards better move quickly, or suffer from the never ending bonfire of S1. Annalise and Eve's relationship is twisted, but we don't really know why yet. Their scenes together are powerful and passionate, but needs more.

I'm getting a Tony vibe from him.

Savage definitely benefited from his friendship, but he was ultimately voted by the fans.

Spence is an emotional guy!

He is a tier above the rest though, in fact, he needs his own tier!

Yeah, that was a bit odd to be too but it's Survivor, so I've come to expect confusion like this.

I think Varner deserves mention here. He has played a great, fun game so far.

They have made Stephan to be the ass of this season. They do it to all superfans. It sucks to watch, but I get why they do it.

Probst can be annoyingly over the top, but he's just very passionate about Survivor.

I thought this was a great episode. Maybe a bit contrived and "drama-y", but the challenge was great Tribal was as tense as ever.