
Let's get it trending!

Yeah, bravo to the entire casting department. They never get any love lol

I very much enjoyed The Grinder. Rob Lowe is money as a lead, and the brotherly relationship between he and Fred Savage feels genuine. I will definitely watch future episodes. The Grinder might just be the best new show this season.

This show has soo many problems, but it still entertaining. The characters are dull, and the pacing is way off, but it is what it is.

I believe it's 13.

Great, great premiere. I loved everything about Season 1, and this feels new and exciting in the way a Season Premiere should be. Phil and Carol's relationship is believable and heartwarming all in one. I let out a loud "awwww" at the sight of them in the tequila pool. The terror of the Tucson wasteland feels all too

She is so under rated. SO happy for her!!!

He is just too awkward around camp, and others will see that as a threat.

This was a great start to the season. Vytas is smarmy and really mot necessary to the tribe. Woo is going to be the fan favorite this season, and he won't make the same mistake twice. Joe is a bit too cocky this time around, and it wouldn't be surprising at all to see him voted out soon. The juxtaposition of old

The show is so campy, I didn't even pause to think about that. This really didn't come off as the kind of show that I have to pay much attention to.

I enjoyed the Premiere. It felt fun and light, with enough intrigue to last for the season. Is it extremely campy? Yes, but it does it in a way that is both obvious and enjoyable. There are a lot of great young actresses in this show, and it's only fair to give them a fair chance to improve once the show hits its

Don't bring up old wounds, or Hannibal might sniff you out.

Why all the disdain for this show? I enjoyed it a lot, but maybe that's because I am a big NPH fan? The problem is there is simply too much other media to enjoy, so people unfairly make comparisons. The pilot episode for any show is going to be a bit rough, that's just the way it is. It felt like a combination of

That's what's so difficult about a prequel, setting the tone. I think the writers are doing a poor job of hiding the inevitable, and it's really making the show feel slow.

Great review! I am a big fan of Jim Gaffigan, and this show has been a nice surprise. It just got reviewed for Season 2, so I hope it will receive regular coverage next season!

It was an entertaining, if mailed in show. I have a felling that next week they will pull out all the stops to promote NOC.

Like what is this picture? It's horrifying!

Bravo, Bravo! WOnderful finale that sums up all that this show was. If it never comes back, my god, what a run. The dance of death in the finale scene is one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen. Goodbye Hannibal (and Will, and Bedila's leg!)

I think they may be moving a bit too fast with Season 2. Why not have each season introduce a new speedster? It may be a bit overwhelming for those of us who are not as familiar with the source material.

This was a fantastic episode. I was thoroughly entertained all night. The big returns were well paced, the matches were short but action filled, and the comedy was well timed. Plus, THE F'N DUDLEYS!