
I think this PPV did everything it was supposed to do: it made WWE fun and unpredictable again, something that has been missing for some time. This new era we are in is fun, and that's the way it should be,

I'll probably still watch this because I'm a fan of the games, but wasn't expecting much to begin with.

Ohhhhh you. lol

A D- community grade? Oh boy..

Easy to clean?

This is GOLDEN, bro.

iZombie is great!!!!!!!

That dentist scene though..

This show had a good run. That ending will certainly be debated forever, but I believe that's what it was intended to do.

I didn't even know an A+ was possible!?! DOes this mean that this is the best episode of any show ever?

Matt DIllion is severely under rated and deserves to be a lead on a more long standing show. Bravo to the whole cast for such an engaging performance, really.

It premieres Sep. 21st

OMG, this looks freaking hilarious!

This suit is amazing! I want!

Why only an A-?

This episode wasn't as good as others, but it did provide crucial setup for the last two episodes; both of which I believe will be fantastic!

I really can't help myself, I will always read an F review!


Times a Million!

Get 'em!