
Seems like, at least from the preview, that next week is another case.

600 comments? Nice. I feel so behind lol

How can Pilcher go back to 2014 though? Unless it is all a big flashback?

Still a lot of questions yet to be answered, but woah, what a twist!

He wasn't as upset over become a zombie as he was with Liv for lying to him. I think he sees what Live was trying to accomplish and will eventually come to terms with it. My only concern is that the cure isn't the be all end all.

Rose McIver in anything is nice.

Yep. Saving the grenade for Julien was very poetic.

The Flash, JTV and iZombie were all nice hits for the CW.

This is why this show is so incredible. The emotional impact of everything is so on point each episode.

That would make sense. I really need to pay attention to every little piece of dialogue next Season lol

He could be human, but there has to be something that was lost. Too early in the series for the cure to already be found, IMO.

What if that isn't really the cure, and it turns Major and Blaine into something much worse?

I think it is more the former. Major's rejection of Liv's reasoning is crushing for her. She does not want to make the same mistake with her own brother.


I wonder how they are going to play off his time away from the action? At this point, it may have been nearly 10 months since his shooting.

700 comments?! Nice!

"Y'all got Rocky Road without me??"

I wouldn't be so certain that he isn't coming back.

With Hannibal back in our lives, do we really need more cannibals?
