
Thanks! I knew I had heard it before, but couldn't remember the title.

Anyone know the song at the end of the episode?

I think that with the Season 2 renewal, Peyton will be held for next season. Major things to get to next week,

An A!!! Absolutely deserved as this is a fantastic episode on many levels. The emotional impact of Peyton's new found knowledge about Liv is devastating. Blane's relentless search for his million dollar brains is another reminder of how cold he is. Should Liv have told Major about zombies sooner? Maybe, but you can

3 DAYS TO SEASON 3!!!!!!

I'm thinking the same thing.

I think Ethan will become the Sheriff.

I hope we get some backstory on Pope. Maybe he's upset about his family too? I need to see how he ended up in Wayward Pines. And seriously, only 17 comments so far? Is anyone else watching this? lol

Meh, at least it will be a fun enough ride while it lasts. Personally, I love Matt Dillian's portrayal.

RIP Sheriff Pope and his love of Rum Raisin. You will certainly not be missed.


The family aspect will def. return soon. According to IMDB lol

One of my favorite episodes by far. Emerson and O'Quinn have such amazing chemistry together, that I'm upset that both couldn't win the Emmy. Seeing young Ben's transition from quirky boy to rage filled man was one of the most awe inspiring stories Lost told. Emerson is also killing it on Person of Interest by the way.

I started off slow, but it the serial elements have picked up for the better. Great villian, great cast that works well together.

When you are desperate, you're desperate for anything or anyone.

They are in talks for doing so. I think they may want to integrate more aspects of her job with Liv's.

Thanks for the clarification on that. Went completely over my head lol

I agree. Plus, seeing more of Liv's true motivations makes what she does feel more heartfelt and emotional. Like she is fighting a bigger cause, and trying to brace the negative perception of zombies once the word inevitably gets out.

Perhaps she can read people who have "been with" the brain she eats too? If not, that would be an interesting dynamic to add.

Great twisty episode, and another great episode to add the number of great episodes. I would have given this episode an A-, but I know, I'm nitpicking. The story beats are familiar, but done in a way that feels fresh. Any chance that Scott E. could be a Zombie and that his baby will be the first Zombaby born? Or am I