Elizabeth Warren should step down immediately.
As an avid supporter of women in politics, this one stings. I am done with Elizabeth Warren. These test results are a complete embarrassment to her and our beloved party. I don’t even blame the repubtards for bashing her at this point, she deserves it.
With Beto only having a 1 in 4 chance of winning, it would be a waste for that money to not go to campaigns that have better odds like a Joe Manchin.
It means full support of Hillary for President 2020
I urge you to attend An Evening with the Clinton’s when they come to your town. Hopefully you get on board after listening to them speak in person.
Sure it’s out of touch with the current climate. But, in the times of the event it was not. Stop trying to destroy Hillary.
Capitalism sucks! Socialism now!
Why not a Clinton/Warren ticket? This will help bring both sides of our party together. I believe that’s the strategy we need. Choosing someone too far left or too close to center will only keep us divided. A powerful all woman ticket would be hard to defeat.
Please describe your “suffering”, friend. As a democrat in the Appalachian region of the country we’re doing quite well these days.
Please describe your “suffering”, friend. As a democrat in the Appalachian region of the country we’re doing quite well these days.
Maybe if us democrats would drop the socialist platform we could win elections again.
Friend, I am on your side, but there is literally zero credible evidence of Justice Kavanaugh specifically being a gang rapist. Accusing people of being rapists, nazis, bigots, etc. is why we lost in 16'. If we continue down this same path, 2018 & 2020 results will be more of the same.
Shame on you for using such a derogatory term. If we’re going to be the party of tolerance, love and acceptance we’re going to have to stop using words like that. Otherwise, we just looks like hypocrites.
Here’s the thing. We have to stop being hypocrites. We sit here and accuse Republicans of being conspiracy theorists with “literally no evidence” while we support claims of Kavanaugh being a gang rapist. Just think about that for a second, take your blinders off and just think how crazy that is. Elections have…
Is this really that unbelievable? I wouldn’t put it past ol’ Chuck. At least this was a better plan than Avenatti’s gang rape allegation. You don’t hear anything about Swetnick these days. I think we can all agree that Avenatti is now directly to blame for the Kavanaugh confirmation.
Say what you will, but I wish we had people like Mitch on our side. From a republicans point of view, all he does is win while we have to listen to Chuck complain and have nothing come of it.
As much as I love Beto, his chances of winning are slim. Even 538 has him at less than a 30% chance of winning. With Kavanaugh being confirmed the republican base is enthused while the rest of us are down in the dumps.
We literally have ZERO candidates to be excited about. Now what would be exciting, would be a Hillary comeback victory.
Yeah, I agree. This tour coming up with the Clinton’s should really help re-energize the base. I hope they come to my city.