Yet people want the government to run healthcare.....
Yet people want the government to run healthcare.....
Tim Kaine: “I have never worn blackface.”
Al Franken literally didn’t do anything wrong. That woman was asleep and had no idea what happened. Did not affect her at all.
I’m not saying that she made this up, but it’s just such a coincidence that all of this is going down in Virginia at the same time. Just seems like too big of a coincidence to be true, even though it could be true. I believe this woman, but at the same time if I was going to completely fabricate an allegation I…
This is your second attempt at this pun. You fail.
Even in what has to be the darkest moment of his life, though, Northam somehow found the time and energy to put his signature on a bill
This is the first time you have ever been correct about anything. Ever.
She needs to drop out of the presidential race. This is going to haunt her forever.
Trying to drive property prices down before the purchase, I’d bet.
1) Laffer economics actually did work, just not in the way idiots bottom-feeders believed it would. The wealthy invested money in the market and that drove up stock prices, which in turn helped anyone with a 401(k) or any type of investment in that same market. In that sense, there has been a trickle down effect. Of…
AOC is a socialist too, but she’s fucking second coming of christ here.
First thing you are stealing a joke that has been made a million times before. You are lame. Secondly people like hearing what Bernie has to say so the joke doesn’t even apply.
Islam is a theocracy, Christianity is not. Pretty big, core difference. Churches marry LGBTQIA+ folks, Muslim nations execute them. Blah blah, you’ve heard all this before. Islam could be westernized at some point, that’s nowhere close to happening because the Quran is seen as a perfect text to be followed literally.…
I like how the modern Democratic party is a choice between out of touch octogenarians and socialist psychopaths.
Yes because history shows that scum who attack western culture always win....carry on. How are all those countries in Africa, South America and the Middle East doing on their own, by the way?
I think Splinter is dick riding hard hoping she’ll give them an interview. Might help keep the lights on awhile longer.
The commercials suck anymore because of people like you, Jack. Triggered at the site of Bret freaking Baier. You’re probably pissed off about them making fun of beet loaf too...
Our institutions are falling like dominoes. First it was the electoral college that handed Trump the win despite Hillary winning the popular vote handily. Then it was the Supreme Court after Kavanaugh - a hardcore literal convicted rapist - took a seat on the bench. Now the FBI is becoming partisan and attacking…
Love this trade. Brassard and Sheahan have been trash for the pens. Good to see GMJR admit he made a mistake with these two. I’m impressed that he was able to acquire decent young talent for them.