I just think we look like fools after this whole Kavanaugh debacle. Like, did we actually think people would believe he was a gang rapist? We may have gone too far this time and it might really hurt us in the long run.
I just think we look like fools after this whole Kavanaugh debacle. Like, did we actually think people would believe he was a gang rapist? We may have gone too far this time and it might really hurt us in the long run.
Friend, this is the rhetoric that fuels these people. Trust me, I know. When we speak like this it just makes us look like hypocrites. I’m afraid that this is a big part of why we keep losing...
Most of my friends and family are trump supporters. Don’t you understand how depressing this is for me? All they do is win and it just seams hopeless after yet another defeat.
This has been an extremely depressing week as a democrat. Now that hope of the blue wave is dwindling, I don’t know what to do.
This is perfect. I hope they come to my city, I will definitely be in attendance. A tour like this can help Hillary start from scratch after the 2016 disaster and re-energize her base. I believe she can still win, it’ll be a long hard road, but really, there aren’t any other candidates to be excited about.
When we democrats force people into these uncomfortable situations it’s hard not to put a little blame on ourselves. She didn’t want any of this, yet we forced her to testify. And for what? She get’s laughed at and we lost again...