
It’s pretty hilarious how angry people get over seeing actual people of color on tv and movies. Especially ones created in fictional realms with dragons, zombies and giants. Don’t watch it, it’s that easy, stay in the backwoods ignorant and sheltered and scared.

None of these slanderous allegations have been proven in court.

Should just do what I did and just propose during a total solar eclipse.  Much cheaper, and you still get to see a ring.

Isn’t living for another 25 years past getting your ‘Make a wish’ granted kind of reneging on your end of the bargain?

I’ll take an anus over a cloaca.

I just set my face on fire.

Say it with me kids: ACAB. All cops. Every single one. Your shitty cousin, your dad, IDGAF. 

Good luck, the “Coward of Broward” who stood outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas while Cruz was shooting kids inside still gets his six-figure pension despite the outrage at his cowardice, and he was just a solo pig, not an entire sounder of swine like what was present here.

And take every damn cent of their pension away.

She is in a leadership position of one of the most dangerous, TREASONOUS, death cults in history.

Should we NOT be informed about her dangerous actions?

So, Trump University DID produce at least one successful graduate?

there is a great book out there called Idiot America by Charles Pierce that talks about why America fetishizes stupidity and ignorance, and talks about how America learned to mistrust intelligence and education as a sign of possible duplicity, and see aggressive stupidity like the kind 3-Toed Marge is happy to display

Farm yields are up because of extra CO2? We’ve been using mass quantities of fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, and genetically modified seeds for no reason!

And give her a healthy supply of carbon dioxide.

Recto-cranial-inversion is an insidious disease.

It’s important because this village idiot is a member of Congress.

How is it even medically possible to fit ‘ones head so far up their own ass?