
Not the WHOLE hole? DAMN!

Maybe it’s time to upgrade from my GTX 960...


Trump supports, ERRYONE should be branded both forehead and cheek with a giant “T”. So you know who they are forever.

Instead of keeping that tax break money for a rainy day, the airlines decided to increase stock price via buyback. Thus they should all burn. Yes the short term is employees (non-owners are hurt in immediate term) but new owners that will surely come in will have to sit at the table. I want the republiklan party to

Trump, et al. didn’t “bring” it out. Simply shined a light on what MANY already knew and were saying for years, but were ignored as “trying to start sh!t.”

At what point did it become NECESSARY to be a gnathonic supplicant to police officers? If cops spent more time actually KNOWING the law they attempt to weld as adroitly as a semi going 200 mph as they did rubbing the public nose in their blue privilege, there would be far fewer ppl disgruntled with the abysmal police

THIS is the government RepubliKlans have wanted. For years, they have denied their racism, misogyny, greed AND avarice. They claimed to be maligned, even mischaracterized. No, they were NOT. ALL this from the party of 1. family values (ripping CHILDREN from parents and losing track), 2. anti-abortion (until their