
And you didn’t spend any of those years living in the harshest environment in the universe! Voyager is playing *HARDCORE* survival mode.

I gotta tell you, at just over 50, I myself am also starting to stutter a bit!

“My take on all this is that basically everything that exists is out to kill us, one way or another.”

It’s the bottle and bottling process, not the liquid itself that’s the problem.

i have always considered bottled water to be one of the biggest environmental catastrophes of our time. guess its a health catastrophe too

Also, every eight year old has done this in a bathroom mirror in an attempt to try and look scary.

tech news on gizmodo?

Okay, Biden, now’s the time to commission Trump’s portrait for the presidential gallery.

Dammit, someone beat me to it:

According to Fox News (I know) “The jail records stated that Trump stands at 6 feet, 3 inches and 215 pounds.” I’m 6'1" and 210 pounds, and I’m by no means thin. These measurements provided must have been given by Trump, ‘cause there’s no way he’s that tall and only 215......

Alright, grandpa, let’s get you to bed. 

This is merely the general panic that all of the streaming companies are going through after learning that they can’t spend unlimited amounts of money on new content because (SURPRISE!) the growth they experienced during lockdown was unsustainable.

Local Plex server ftw.

Do you honestly think they’ll expand in a location that will have DeSantis lite, or any state that will also put those restrictions in place? Do you think they’ll risk the same culture war bullshit that the Right is waging right now? I don’t. 10-1 they’ll expand in CA at this point.

Floridian here. I’m cool with Disney pulling out of Florida altogether. We don’t deserve to have nice things.

Mr. Justice [Oliver Wendell] Holmes said “Taxes are what we pay for civilized society.” Too many individuals, however, want the civilization at a discount.

Hi, Disney.

A beautiful ‘I told you so’ situation and a teaching moment for a certain political ideology. Saving a couple of dollars in no way presents an advantage when dealing with fascist policies restricting your business decisions. You play stupid games, you pay the price. Florida, you lost.