
This ad strategy is the heart of the Republican party. The boogeyman is interchangeable: black people, brown people, LGBTQ+ people, feminists, etc., but the message is always the same - if you let the liberals win, they will come for you and your family.

My brain keeps reading it as KlownTV.

In other news today:

The use of it in getting a confession may not have been a crime. But creating the document in the first place is a Felony:

Sorry, I will extend...

I wonder what percentage of these kinds of incidences are on flights originating from or going to Florida. We might have a partial solution staring us in the face.

I wonder what percentage of these kinds of incidences are on flights originating from or going to Florida. We might have a partial solution staring us in the face.

“The sect, which mandates that both men and women wear their hair long, and that members don’t smoke, vote...”

Racist incel child abusers? That’s not a cult, that’s the republican base

Lions. Who’s got some spare lions for these lonely Christians?

They sound like Old Testament Christians. I can only think of one suitable punishment for Old Testament Christians.

Not a mass die off but shit like this keeps happening. No info on her vaccination status.

I am 100% on board with useless pieces of shit like these experiencing a mass die off, completely accept that my position is distasteful, and, further, don’t give a flying fuck about that because said pieces of shit are actively working to harm the health and welfare of others.

But at least shareholder value is being maintained. All the way to the horrible, horrible end.

We are so fucked.

I really liked the main thrust of the movie. Bringing back two dead characters who are 20 years older in a way that didn’t make my eyes roll out of my head was an incredible feat. Really well done!!! Love the meta-ness of it all.

I was far more intrigued with Bugs, and her crew on the Mnemosyne, than anything having to do with Neo and Trinity. I could have watched an entire heist movie about them tracking down and stealing Neo & Trinity’s bodies in the real world.

The problem is evolution and waning immunity.

I think COVID will end up like the flu and we’ll all just need to get vaccines on a regular basis for it for the foreseeable future. 

Demoted? They endangered their coworkers (who are apparently so often fearing for their lives that there’s another police shooting seemingly every day), the people they’ve sworn to protect (but frequently assault), and probably committed fraud. They should be in federal prison.