
We were the same, except we put diapers on “subscribe and save.” Diapers were stolen from our porch. DIapers arrived late. Then we realized we were pretty good at predicting how long a pack of diapers or a can of formula would last, and just bought everything at Costco, a company that objectively does NOT suck.

If I were to blatantly lie in my job, like the delivery services are lying about having delivered a package, I would no longer have that job.  I get that “stuff” happens, and packages don’t make it on time, but saying it’s delivered when it obviously is not is a completely different situation.

Same. I thought they had gone rogue in hospital billing. 

Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!

They need a better evacuation plan. 

I guess they support single-payer law care.

I’d rather carve “MAGA” in the foreheads of these Trump-ettes the same way Brad Pitt carved that swastika in Christoph Waltz’s forehead at the end of Inglorious Basterds.

Except the voters - they are made in Russia.

perfect reply.

You think it pisses people off to know you spent $55 dollars for something worth 2 bucks and that warns them you’re trash?

“Non-Consensual Footsie”.

There’s thicc and then there’s John Candy in Spaceballs built

The divorce isn’t final.

I have never in my life hated anyone enough to call them “the individual”.

Did he ever say he was black or just ‘of color?’ Because without the dim ass lighting used in that interview he’s as black Rachel Dolezal.

Oh you crazy Brit with your bonnet and boot talk!

Absolutely delightful. People who don’t suffer idiot cops negligently wielding their authority like a cudgel are the best kind of human being.

I assume you don’t live in the inner city where cops pull pedestrians over for glancing in their direction. Lots of idiots, but they have guns and will beat the hell out of you for telling them how to do their job. 

“I didn’t let a single one off easy either, I don’t take kindly to idiots who are wrong spouting their mouth. Cop or not.”
