
Can they get Jim Caviezel to play Jesus?

I liked it when the kid was glancing up at the boom mike just off screen.
Sherlock should quit going to Matt Lauer's barber.
Say, didn't the murdered guy's wife have dyed red hair? (Add suspect points cause it's Blair Brown.)
Marcus prepping for the annual NYPD 'Kid n Play' Reunion Show?

The Party of Lincoln Commercial?

It fits. Fusco is the only character with a family life and has redeemed himself from corruption. All the others are weirdos and sociopaths.

Similarity to the 50's sci-fi story. ("The Last Question" a short story by Isaac Asimov.) The Machine wins with god-like powers. Takes Harold's questions to heart about knowing the nature of humankind. Decides it doesn't know the answer and retreats from human contact forever. The questions are too complex. It must

I think they have signaled the end of the series in the beginning of this episode. The Machine wins and decides the only moral course is to not interfere with humans and just observe and accumulate data for 'some future time'.

Sure, I'd spend a million dollars on an assassin because my girlfriend dumped me for a plumber. Terrible plot.

Blindspot's FBI section trained at the same "Dumb as rocks" division at Quantico as the blank-stare gang on The Blacklist.

I'm sure you mean 'home in', not 'hone in'. It's a destination not a boy scout knife.

cursed ram skull next to overly long hummus plug. Sorry, TV left this behind in the '70's. I hit the switch and will check back in a few weeks. Good luck, especially with that hairdo. (No I mean it.)

Because what NBC's Olympics needs is MORE
“a mix of interviews, human interest stories and a round-up of the day’s news,”

The Italians killed Jesus. Your bible says so in Greek.

The Holmes in the episode had not wit, no insight, no intelligence and seemed to be wandering around in the script.
This looked like all the (much better written) House episodes plodding through the same device.
Everyone was sidelined, Joan, Gregson, Bell, Clyde. That left Oscar who is a barely functioning heroin

The plotting was routine. The individual line sets were very funny.

Shauna is spelled "Seana" in the closed captions.
Location fanbois can't even begin to guess where they found that really, really grim subway station..

Thanks for the location!

Location fanbois loving the choice of old Queens Hospital Center building as Samaritian team operations site.
"The Art Moderne-style 10-story former hospital, at Parsons Boulevard and Goethals Avenue, is known as the “T building" for once serving patients with tuberculosis.


Location fanbois say that there is minimal location work this week. It was mostly studio stuff. However there is the suspicion that the inspiration for Reese dying from hypothermia had its inspiration in this year's unbelievably cold NYC winter.

Location fanbois note the superb library (any guesses?) and the plumes of breath billowing out of the actors mouths in the frigid outdoor scenes filmed just weeks ago in The Icy Apple.