
The bols looked CGI. Any guesses? The shootout in the snowy woods (Forest Park again?) looked like an homage to a delightful Sopranos episode of yore. Lots of interiors and studio sets as the weather got frightfully colder. Thought I saw Queens Boulevard storefronts and buildings opposite the big courthouse as a

Between the snowed-up streets and the wonderful skyscraper office views, the location team of Elementary scored again this week.

Further on shooting and plot limitations inherent in a town this size:
1) Unless someone is on the take, how can the cops not know where a potential 'crack house' is. Also, isn't a 'crack house' sort of 80's?
2) In the pilot, they had a tall building rooftop standoff (much beloved by cop shows). How soon before they

Hate to say this, but one of the reasons it was better was that Josh Duhamel didn't have all that many lines this week.
Also, Russ says some thing like, "Or do you want me to take you downtown?". Does Battle Creek even have a 'downtown' (pop 50,000)?

Location fanboi appreciating the Hunt's Point Bronx locations (including the cold storage sign on the building in the opening sequence).
And talking about COLD. Episode was filmed only a few weeks ago. real snow piled up used to advantage to add to location and 'frozen' plot. The actors must have been freezing their

Forgot to add, great use of Wagner park in southernmost Manhattan. The park archway frames the Statue of Liberty and the director went for it. A beautiful shot and a gift to watchers.

Getting better at picking locks? And shutting down all video surveillance?
Well, perhaps not… but a great location!

Location fanbois appreciating this episode. Looks like it was filmed in Washington Heights or The Bronx. Outside architecture had character, inside shots (real places) looked suitably seedy. Liked the scaffolding as well.

Location fanbois: A couple of good locations. Nassau county house probably done in Queens or The Bronx because of NYC film office funding. Alicia Witt is going to need more than $5 million to keep that place (plus land) running. Wall Street location a good choice. Stock shots of outside of brownstone.

The writers solved a problem which has been hanging over the show since the beginning, giving Watson a valid reason to co-habit with Holmes.
The first reason, as a rehab companion, ran out of steam somewhere in the first season. Finally, someone realized the viewers had to have an emotionally satisfying reason for the

Question for location fanbois. Was the site of the 'charity event' the new front to the Brooklyn Museum? Also it looked like the 'airport' was a hallway in same building about 12 feet away with extras and a sign. Anyone recognize the building?

I have a different take. Kitty 'recognizes' Del's voice because she decides to make him the red herring. He's innocent.
Now let's consider the actual evidence. The emerald ring and the branding iron were in the Albanian Brothel house. Neither of those were adequately explained. Did Kitty beat enough info out of the

One more thing…a cloned plant isn't a fake anything. It's a Clone, dammit!

Switched to the jealousy angle….BOOOOO! The head of GMO wasn't planning on taking the genetic-modified commercialized super weed for herself? Hell, give me ten minutes in the Brooklyn grow house and I'll show you the billion buck super m-j.
Still you have to admire not only the ready availability of lengths of heavy

Now that they have left the "Let's imitate House M.D." track, the show has improved a lot.

The main reason is that NBC comedies are already devoid of comedy.

Great job by the NYC location elves in this episode. The plot? They appear to be just throwing sticky notes against the wall typing up whatever doesn't fall down (Ms. Hudson? Okay!). As for Sherlock being annoying…that's because Sherlock is supposed to be annoying (go back and watch 20-30 'House' episodes for

Helicopters haven't landed on roofs in Manhattan since the horrific Pan Am building accident in 1977.

They "oy" variation is a diminutive slurring of the actual name, Mo-sheh, sometimes used as affectionate.
However at no time has anyone to my knowledge ever pronounced it as Moe-shee.

Sloppy work by the crew, writers and director. This show's general lackadaisical quality will kill it. Who else could make Mycroft Holmes dull over 3 or more episodes? Not quite NBC-Level bad, but definitely on the borderline. The errors discussed here are just an indication of a general confusion that dogs this