NYC Mental Health Outreach

Ah, yes, it always makes me feel better, safer, and more moral to fall back on the “hope he’s up to Henry Kissinger standards” bromide.

Those of us who are against him know there’s shit he’s been doing since the 1980s that is fucking illegal as hell and at the very least deceitful and corrupt. We spoke very loudly against him. So I ask... just how much more dirty laundry do we have to spill onto fifth avenue?

Beau is to Biden was John McCain is to Megan, except why does he think we're all so sentimental about the guy? Remember the last election, when he tried to run because it was Beau’s dying wish? Then he dropped it a few weeks later?

Classic centrist leadership, behind public opinion, kicking and screaming into the future.

Shes the Mitt Romney of the left, says one thing to appease the base but switches up if it is politically inconvenient (Federal government forcing busing, abolishing private insurance).

I on the debate night, said that Kamala, Bernie, Elizabeth Warren should be carrying the Progressive mantel.

classic kamala. say the right things when everyone’s watching then reneg a few days later when nobody’s watching.

People literally could not care less about detailed policy proposals. They likely can’t even understand them. They don’t care about issues.

If it hasn’t sunk in after 10 years, it’s never going to.

The wildest part of this whole (otherwise delightful, because it truly whips to see someone wreck Joe Biden) controversy is that a few days after having attacked him for suggesting state and local authorities should’ve had ultimate say over busing (which was unquestionably a racist position on Biden’s part — just one

I mean what is there exactly to say at this point?

I don’t even think that’s an accurate description of the situation.

Have you met America?

Some people are attracted to her ideas. I like Warren and would be fine with her as President.   

Michael Bay is the third highest grossing film director of all time. 

On the contrary it’s more like the Conservative strongholds are ignoring their dependence on the more liberal coastal cities to facilitate their wealth by purchasing their agri-products and subsides their crops with coastal taxes.  They also seem to fail to grasp that not all firearm owners support them.  They count

I wouldn’t know... I don’t get invited to parties. Lol.

One - I agree, that’s why I called it an asinine statement.

When you say the “majority of Chinese” nationals, if you are only talking about people who have left mainland China, then of course I agree. If you are talking about people who have never left China, I do not agree.