NYC Mental Health Outreach

I honestly don’t understand how people are living on today’s wages.

Why am I not donating to the ACLU? Gonna have to fix that.

There are 700 children in an unlicensed facility in Homestead, Fl run by a for-profit prison. This facility has NO BATHROOMS! Day or night, rain or shine, children have to go out to port-o-johns to use the bathroom. There is not a single woman who works at this place and the girls are of the age when their

Every day these fucks go un-smited is another day there is undeniable proof there is no god.

They’ve done a study. Have you done a study? I thought not.

It does not.

I dont think you understand. If you prove P == NP then this seemingly unsolvable problem would be solved trivially. Thats the whole point. The reason we use NP complexity algorithm in cryptography is because we do not know how to solve P == NP. But we do not know if its solvable. There is a chance that someone

Up against the wall, Barr. 

What? I will happily house a mother and up to three children in my home for $750 a day. All inclusive! Showers and soap and tooth brushes included!

Doesn’t hurt that the for profit prison industry is profiting handsomely from all of this. To the tune of $750 per immigrant per day. 

Yeah, we need to keep a few of these concentration camp cages around for when these monsters are made to face justice. We can hire immigrants as guards. 2 birds, one stone.

This is not an endorsement of the DSA. They suck. But that's where the Americans who are starting to think socialism is a good idea are. I think we should all join the socialist organizations of our choice, even though they all suck, and are all full of cops. You have to start somewhere.

Mangosallasie is a totally separate human and probably a bit to my left, for now. I support participation in elections, at this stage, not because I think we can fix things, but because they attract people who want to fix things. Being involved in traditional politics is a way to organize and to explain ideas and to

Having witnessed firsthand the impact of Wal*Mart on the main street shops of the small town I grew up in, I can say only one thing to the members of RILA: FUCK OFF WITH YOUR CONCERN TROLLING.

Well, I just learnt a few months back that recycling in the US mostly means shipping to China to deal with it.

If you could steal all the bitcoin in the world they would no longer be worth anything. 

The problem with “breaking up” these companies is that, sure you can break them up, but then consumers will almost immediately begin to consolidate their platforms and eventually you will once again have a dominant monopolist. If you fully broke up Google into 100 different companies, there would be one company with

Please people, contact you state senators. Flood their phones with calls. Fill their inboxes with emails. We all have to push for a change. This needs to end now. It’s gone too far already.

Pardon me if I don’t care about the plight of big-retail after they killed off many local mom-and-pop retailers.  I’m sorry that Amazon is coming for you, but you helped create this environment where people want everything as cheap as possible.