Dustin de Wynde

exactly how I felt about Phantom Menace. Then Jar Jar happened and I've had nightmares ever since.

You are missing my point. I'm not saying Uber stole her money or lied to her. I'm saying it's utter bullshit to ever charge that much for a cab ride. It shouldn't be cheaper for me to fly halfway across the country than to drive halfway across town. Period.

Wow, to put this in even further perspective, I was looking at going to South America this last summer and flights into a couple of major cities like Lima and Cartagena (round trip) were $350. I just did a quick search and I could fly to NY round trip for $25 dollars less than her 20 minute uber fare.

Ramen cups can be made into cheap beauty dishes :)

Still want a 50 core Mac Pro, don't care.

They're wonderful. One is the story she wrote for Harlan Ellison's never-published Last Dangerous Visions, and the other is a piece that, according to handwritten notations on the back page, she tucked away after only a few submissions long ago. None of you will be disappointed. I was Octavia's editor for years at

I had a boyfriend for a number of years who had a whole bunch of large blackheads (1/2" diameter) on his chest. For years, I never said anything about them out of politeness, but secretly wondered how he resisted trying to extract them as there's nothing more satisfying to me than pushing trapped gunk out of my pores.