Dustin de Wynde

WTF is wrong with you?

Why on earth would you confront and bully the poor store clerk over this, they're over-worked as it is.

If you want to do something tangible that might garner some actual results, why not float a petition on the web, organize a Junior Anti-Sex League boycott, pick up the fucking phone and register

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It never ceases to amaze me how creepier than creepy it is how infantile you Jezebelaratti creeps are about sex.

Wish you girls and boys would finally grow the fuck up.

I was in The Netherlands when the paperback version of this dumb fucking book came out and it was sold in locations like the Dutch versions of

Why not?

We already have a black Miss Moneypenny now.

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There is a cure for the feels.

Nuke 'em from orbit.

Fitting, in that Alan Alda was the Stephen Colbert of his day when it came to series finales, what with MASH going off the air in the way that it did.

PS, think you missed Matt Taibbi.

I approve of this meme.

This lightsaber theory makes perfect sense since losing a lightsaber is an ongoing trope in the prequels.

I spend my life shaking my fist at the sky and yelling....


You stole my act!!!!!'

We're a year apart and I too saw Star wars in preview before the rest of you great unwashed Padawans.

On Tuesday, 23 May 1977 at about 11:30 I'm in Mrs. Pagmiotti's Home Economics class when out of nowhere my -make

Nope, I've been having this conversation for decades now, and I always get the same replies about how cheap they're getting their weed for.

Beat me to it, I was just about to post this myself.


Yet another lying bragging stoner who claims that they haven't ever paid anywhere from the $300 to $400 dollars an ounce that 99% of all black market cannabis buyers pay.

I'm totally convinced that marijuana impairs one's ability to do basic elementary school math and reason abstractly.

I make my own filtered cigarettes, because at a little over ¢50 cents a pack to produce it it's a dozen times cheaper than buying Camels/Marlboros over the counter.

I recently flew *roundtrip* from Baltimore to Denver for $400 bucks, so yeah this is off the charts outrageous, I hope Mohammed got his cut.

Stewart just turned down a massive offer from NBC News to host 'Meet The Press' so it's likely no longer about the money for him.

Yeah, well, the best example of this is Lawrence of Arabia, who, after a hard day's campaigning in partitioning up Iraq would retire to his tent each evening and translate Homer's Odysseus.

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C'mon now, y'all are slipping up, how in the world is it that I'm the first one to post this?

What's wrong with you people?

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Beatles covers?

I've got your Beatles covers right here.

Yugoslavia, Represent, motherfuckers.

Many years ago when I was a rookie broker cold caller on Wall Street at D.H. Blair pitching orphans and widows management dog I sat directly across from two vets who watched us make every mistake that it was possible to make.

The world will be a better place once people learn to RTFM.
