Dustin de Wynde

"Those of us at the live taping were shocked when he announced his resignation."

Well, it's not like she has a vote to get to. (Not a slam, just a running bit from her Better Know A District with Colbert.)

You guys I wrote this post in 1 minute and 30 seconds while I got the video. If you leave a rude comment complaining that someone was left out you will be met with the Scourge of Seven Wraiths of the Midnight Blogger. Just drop the names you don't see up there in the comments and I'll add it.

General Ray Odierno, Chief of Staff of the Army! That's an impressive get...

Wonderful episode, amazing scene. My wife and both screamed at the TV when he fell into dust.

I think she's already taken a pretty bold stance. Thanks for posting this clip and for covering this story, including Fey's jabs on SNL and 30 Rock.

The rumor is not that they find a lightsaber and want to return it to its owner, it's that they find a lightsaber and say...

Yeah. The only thing these videos drive home is this: Either all of the sudden cops are a LITTLE trigger happy or else maybe they've been pulling this shit for decades without anyone calling them on it.

I loved this whole thing. I hope we see more of this side of Colbert in his new gig. He should do some nerdy battles, kind of like Fallon does his games/competitions with his guests, but the Colbert version.

Ok, this is a great Trek shirt but it seems weird to cite the person saying the quote rather than the original sayer. Better just to leave it blank in my opinion.

I thought it was offensive when the officials by the goal line kept making that same gesture in St. Louis today. Enough is enough.

And on the wrong side. Christ, what a hack job.

I call fake, the radar dish is round. :D

Sad panda! Move to Oregon, we'll take better care of you! Plus, we have an ocean and a longer ski season...

Oh, I'm familiar with the outrageous prices you folks are dealing with - I live in PDX (if the screen name/avatar didn't give that away) and made a trip up to Vancouver a few months back to check it out. $70/2grams of OUTDOOR! I chuckled and walked out. Most of the shops in Portland (medicinal) run $35/eighth,

Their Tiger Beat Piketty cover was my favorite.

But its only so profitable because its illegal and not grown on a massive industrial scale. I think as more states legalize it, the price will go down rapidly because of the economy of scale. There is nothing intrinsically difficult about growing the actual plant, as far as I've heard. Its not like grapes or other