Wow, sounds like someone reinvented the toothpaste roller, which has been a thing since the ‘70s, if not earlier.
Wow, sounds like someone reinvented the toothpaste roller, which has been a thing since the ‘70s, if not earlier.
Wow. They can’t find a fifty year old, paper job application.
It's all over but the lawsuits.
I'd go through a couple'f those a month when I was a kid.
Can't touch that.
Bank teller, “How are you today?”
The trick to not having any of the dry powder in the finished product is leave the macaroni in the colander, melt the butter in the pot using the residual heat, stir the powder into that until you have a paste, add the liquid and whatever flavoring (black pepper, hot sauce, etc.), stir, then put the macaroni back in…
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Did you try to use that argument when you went to enroll your kids in school?
hashtag year and a half old news alert
But Jimmy Dore never has to say "President Hillary Clinton", and that's what's important.
What do you expect from people who use the "first national flag of the confederacy" as the state flag?
Press your pinkie against the coaster. Lift the beverage near the bottom with your index and social fingers and thumb. After they separate, curl your ring finger underneath, for extra support.
Stupid YouTube deleted the Will & Grace clip of Elton John saying, “Never try to walk in ten inch platforms. It’s murder on the ankles.”
The Walmart near me took out the self-checkouts after a couple'f years. All I can figure is that too many people were putting steaks on the scale, then punching in the code for bananas.
I'll say it again, anyone that lost residuals when the reruns were canceled should sue him to recover their income.
I’d just push her stuff down the belt, so the cashier can reach it more easily.
Everyone tweet at him, asking how the search for the real killer is going.