Of course, after they get out of prison, none of these people are going to violate the law against felons possessing firearms.
Of course, after they get out of prison, none of these people are going to violate the law against felons possessing firearms.
“Everything that’s old is new again.”
Easy there, tiger.
Good. The planet can’t handle a population of ten billion. If only the rest of the world would follow suit and cut way back.
Meh. My brother would intentionally leave not enough for a bowlful in every box, and it wasn't uncommon for me to have to mix up to five types of cereal.
“If you don’t like your biological family, find your logical family.” ~ unknown
I used to live at the top of Moeser in El Cerrito, and I had no problem with down shifting and keeping my foot on the brake pedal.
Love him or hate him, the 1ˢᵗ Amendment ne’er had a better friend.
He never wanted peace. He started stirring up violence at his brown shirt rallies in ‘15.
Some stand-up comic had a bit about space aliens looking down at us through telescopes, seeing the four legged creatures leading the two legged creatures around, and the two legged creatures cleaning up after the four legged creatures, and completely misconstruing who's in charge down here.
Twenty-three skiddoo!
Oh, the irony.