Oh, please edit the article to take out his name and replace it with "the murderer".
Oh, please edit the article to take out his name and replace it with "the murderer".
Well I, for one, am shocked.
Got one for you: I was doing preacher bench curls. Guy comes over and asks if he can take the weight rest. I said I could probably figure out how to deal without it. Turned out he didn't want to bend over the pick-up a barbell from the floor. Then threw a fit when I made an issue about it.
Worse than ignorant members are trainers who ignore basic gym etiquette because they're afraid of upsetting their clients.
Anyone else not seeing the 12:30 update?
Oops, looks like he has to get into college after all.
Why are these clips always barely audible?
Using 151 instead of 190 proof Everclear.
Just think, if it weren’t for the French Revolution and royals’ heads being lopped off, there probably wouldn’t be a Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum.
If people want an actual crime for impeachment, Derp Furor’s constant, ongoing violations of the Presidential Records Act.
Or they could bring back the oregano and mushroom burger from the early '90s.
JROTC, longer ago than I care to admit, we come back for second year. Sarge hands out the textbooks, tells us to turn to page something or other, and rip it and the next three pages out and pass them foreword, without looking at them. Of course I looked. The one thing I was able to glance was how to sharpen the edges…
JROTC, longer ago than I care to admit, we come back for second year. Sarge hands out the textbooks, tells us to…
Um...there have been "right" whingers calling for that for years.
Oh, don't go acting surprised.
Only dues paying members of the party controlling the House of Commons votes for the Prime Minster. He received fewer votes than a mayor for a medium size city in the U.S.
Maybe this’ll be the thing that sends him over the edge, he has a stroke, then the only thing left is giving the cretin a state funeral.
When they’re in the kicking-the-shoes-off phase, diaper pin the shoe laces to the pants cuffs. It doesn't keep them on, but they don't get lost on the sidewalk.
Sign on a bulletin board at an Air Force base in the ‘60s ~
Sign on a bulletin board at an Air Force base in the ‘60s ~
Then I'm not talking about you.