Yes - I never look as bad as I do in the barber shop. It’s horrifying.
Yes - I never look as bad as I do in the barber shop. It’s horrifying.
Sound to me like the U.S. held got the detained Americans as ransom for the cash.
My argument against the controlled demolition theory has always been this - why bother? Wouldn’t leaving the burned out out hulks of broken towers - probably missing their tops and smoldering for months - be just as, if not more, dramatic than bringing the buildings down?
I know many disagree - but I just can’t think of a dumber spectator “sport” then watching cars drive around in circles for 3 hours. At least demolition derby gets right to the good stuff.
I’m a liberal democrat who deplores violence. But I could kill him for that stupid neck tattoo/desperate attempt to stay relevant.
And since my previous statement is obviously a joke, it is also protected as free speech.
Carter needs to understand that people saying “drop dead loser” is not a death threat.
Saw Trump and trophy wife #3 getting off his helicopter on at the West Side Heliport last year. They got into new - but old style giant Caddy stretch. It was like watching a scene from American Psycho. Who uses those anymore? I thought the were for prom night, bachelor patties, etc.?
I’m confused- was this a special election? A primary? If this happened today - how could Kim Fox give a speech last week as Cook County State’s Attorney-elect?
I know Dr. Luke. I used to work with him and I’m sure he probably insulted her on a regular basis- he is a total perfectionist and can be very cocky. But sexual assault? Why no criminal complaint? If she’s going to make such a serious allegation - why only bring it it up as part of her contract dispute?
It could be…
Countdown to K-Bloom!
Bad as ‘Merica can be - it’s a picnic compared to most middle eastern countries. Their civil rights are for shit. At least here his false arrest was publicized and heavily covered in the media. He got to go to the freaking White House!
Of course the kid shouldn’t have been arrested - but it did look kind of bombish. But $15M - that’s just gold digging.
I would like to see more moderate Muslims (all of them) going after the radicals rather than just complaining about being subjected to (unfortunate) discrimination. There seems to be a complacency…
The tampon appears to be used. I’m ok with that being over the line. Other than that it’s b.s.
Suggestion: Don’t buy her album or click on articles entitled “Margaret Cho Reveals History of Sexual Abuse”. I’m sure she gives zero fucks.
Where’s the link to her (inevitable) crowd funding site. I predict she clears at least $100k out of this nonsense.