
I wish I could remember the precise wording of that f’d up canned speech that the right wingers give like clockwork every time an unarmed black person is shot by police. It’s something to the effect of, “If they’d just obey orders (like all white people apparently do) then they wouldn’t have to worry about being shot.”

Tell people often enough their vote matters and eventually they’ll believe it and start asking questions when it doesn’t...

Nothing threatens the economic & political elite more than direct democracy coupled with an educated, savvy & motivated electorate.

“Today the NYPD was stabbed in the back by the very same people we swore to protect,” Sergeant Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said

The problem is, cops have had fucking -ages- to self-police themselves, to get rid of the bad actors, to actively communicate with the public and to stop being so damned brutal and in many cases, downright deadly. The NYPD -had- to know this was coming as surely as the sun will rise and they could have cut it off by

That should be the response that everyone uses. In any profession, especially finance, legal and especially medical, any act of malfeasance taints you forever and can make you unemployable. Can you name me another profession where gross incompetence and negligence are not only tolerated but supported by a fucking

Can I ask Ed Mullins a serious question: Can you look me and every NYC citizen in the face and honestly say that there are no members of your force that don’t do shit that needs to investigated? That there are no loose cannons or cowboys in your ranks? That not one arrest or search of a man or woman but specifically

The only cops that have to worry about oversight are criminal cops. If these cops are worried about their criminality being exposed, they should just quit.

All I know is the NYPD wants to go back to the 70's and 80s when they could break into your home (with help from FDNY) kill your family and plunder all your shit.

For those curious, here is the full text of the Ballot Proposal (Amendment #2):

Based on caselaw, if you want to snuff someone just be sure to gun em down in their house and claim whoops I thought it was mine. You were distracted by texts and hadn’t slept for a day bc of work.

Every conversation with every wingnut in the year of our lord 2019:

Or maybe some people are putting their foot down before shit goes full Nazi or government supported transphobia. History repeats it self, always has, always will. Learn from it or die.

But Obama wore a tan suit and saluted with a coffee cup in his hands!

Well, Dave Chappelle just got paid to put out an hour-long comedy special in which he got to make jokes about whatever he wanted, so I’m not sure you can really make the case that free speech is being destroyed. At least not in this thread.

Weird! A republican that feels the need to defend millionaires!

I’m sure you are equally as passionate about defending Muslims and other religious minorities, and members of the press, who have their First Amendment rights taken away on a daily basis by the party in power.

It’s amazing how many Republicans literally want to force other people to stop talking so that they won’t be “silenced” by criticism of their shitty behavior.

Yo EffTheLeft, “No one on the right bitches about what we say”???

Big Michael Jackson and Cosby fan, huh? Well, not a shock that Trump supporters aren’t against pedos and rapists.