
This isn’t Blink-182.

The people who are complaining about casting an extremely talented young black woman to play Ariel, probably also defended the casting of Scarlett Johansson in the live action Ghost in the Shell movie as well as other casting of white people in the roles meant for POC.

Apparently, Disney, a multi-billion dollar White corporation, founded by a man so racist he could make Woodrow Wilson blush, was “forced” (BY WHO? Who could force Disney to do anything???) to hire a Black woman to play a fictional character. Also, apparently Ariel was a White male in this idiot’s mind 😂 Also, when

Now I just want to find out who they cast as the prince because that has the potential to throw even more stupid napalm on this fire.

It’s like those same stupid people who says they want a Romeo and Juliet romance.

Boy, all this sounds awfully familiar, like the Black Stormtrooper thing, the Ghostbuster thing, the Starfire thing, the Black Johnny Storm thing...

I had no idea that you were that powerful to turn “unbiased white people into bigots”. Impressive.

The source material also said that every step would be agony and as if she was walking on knives.

In the fine tradition of Danish Calypso songcraft, obviously.

Plus several of those musical numbers are obviously Caribbean inspired.

Go fuck yourself you fake piece of shit.

And Andersen’s story had the sea witch literally cutting out the little mermaid’s (who didn’t even have a name), tongue as well as offering to restore her voice and her life as before if she could slaughter the prince and his new bride so their blood would wash over her feet and make her fins come back. So honey

You know, on second thought, those people are so stupid & ignorant they probably think the calypso crab *is* part of the original text.

mermaids aren’t a real race of people.

For that matter, why aren’t they upset that the story ends happily?  That’s an even bigger departure from the source material than the singing.  

I suspect that one reason they cast a black Ariel is because they realized that the vaguely Caribbean feel to the ocean world (and the vaguely Calypso beats to some of the songs) would seem less problematic if they had black people as the ruling cast of this aquatic Caribbean undersea nation.

I was wondering what the difference between her and some random hillbilly was, and it turns out nothing.

I wonder if that will happen too. However, the problem with her coming to this realization will most likely be brought about by the disintegration of black life after the rise of the very white nationalism that she is helping to usher in. We will all be fucked by that.

She will. one days she will wake up and realize who she is. She will realize that she is nothing more than a puppet. a shell of a former person. and she will have no one to hold her up. her sinking ship will be amazing to watch. 

Learn the difference between the target and the topic of a joke.