
This is actually the part I find most troubling. It should be expected that you are going to find uninhibited racists inside a gated community, but the actual dispatching of police to a location away from the supposed “crime” scene for an allegation of trespassing is very problematic It implies the police knowingly

King’s campaign manager Becca Rast says there have been, historically, disputes between political campaigns and home owners’ associations about what counts as soliciting.

Just hurry up and change the name to “Spiders” already. Do you know how dope the logos and hats would be???

I’m glad to give you a star on this caucasian.

I didn’t know Sam Kinison was an Indians fan.

Deep concerns about ethics in gaming journalism.

Glad you did your homework, but sadly, it has earned you a D-.

Eh, I still call Guaranteed Tank Field by it’s real name, Comiskey Park.

Harvey Pekar was cool. And...I like LeBron. After that though...

Economic anxiety?

So while I’m positive that the entire Cleveland fanbase is not as vile as those in the video, it is, however, a fanbase in which fans can feel comfortable being publicly and unapologetically racist.

No, with Charlie Sheen on set that wasn’t enough cocaine

Oh, no, I’m aware of the history of St. Pat’s (no snakes in Ireland), and of the glycerin trucks, the origins of the “paddy wagon,” and a host of other expressions, epithets, etc. that existed in bygone years.

Are they still happening now?

Do they still have an outsized impact on how I or anyone I’m related to live

I just recently moved to the area, and I gotta say, it’s disheartening to see this sort of shit.

Not surprising, but disheartening.

I’m white. I’m Scotch-Irish by descent (just had genetic testing done not too long ago for the hell of it; matches up nicely with my family’s accounting of our lineage); while I don’t

The organization is busy having it both ways:taking the logo off the team unis, but selling it in the team store to these mouth breathers, knowing they’ll buy it by the armful to “fight PC tyranny” or whatever. 

Because nothing says “the logo is inoffensive and about honoring traditions and being respectful” quite like spewing racist bile at the people that logo caricatures.

May this movement catch fire like a mighty river.

Watching Indians fans file into the Jake is like watching a COPS greatest hits marathon.

The same people who would throw a hissy fit when you tell them about their white privilege.

The people responding to the protestors have a lot in common. I can’t white put my finger on it.