
Holy crap, I never read that passage from Numbers before. Not only does it recommend compulsory abortion, it’s an outright endorsement of spells and curses to achieve a desired medical result. Point any and all Christians in the direction of this passage the next time they decide to mock voodoo.

It’s really funny that someone named “LibsAndConsHateMe” can accuse ANYBODY of “virtue signalling.”

What always amazes me is the complete lack of self-awareness by people who jump to the conclusion that ANY mention of Nazis is a commentary against t.Rump. I mean in some contexts there are perfectly valid reasons to mention t.Rump and American Nazis in the same sentence, but not EVERY mention of Nazis is related to

Now I’m imagining a Nazi buying one of the Wolfenstein games, playing it, making his character walk directly into enemy fire until he dies, then closing the game and saying, “well, that was fun.”

Trump is doing just fine tying Nazis to Trump without any help from Bethesda.

Well, the President seems to think some Nazis are “very fine people.”

Apropos of nothing: That is one badass Nazi. If somebody like that showed up in Charlottesville or wherever I’d be shitting my pants on my way to Winnipeg. Fortunately, 95 percent of the neo-Nazis I see on TV look like the members of Vampire Weekend if the members of Vampire Weekend shopped at Marshalls.

even though the story is essentially half-life 2 - it’s actually better than half-life 2.

There’s a level where the National Anthem plays and while it’s on all your buttons are remapped to ‘kneel’.

I’m pretty sure that the neo-nazis people who believe in ethics in video game journalism are a loud minority and the game will sell fine using “political” advertising. I bet that most of these whiners have already pre-ordered and are just stamping their feet on twitter because... they hate jews? I’m not really sure