
Yep. Satanists don’t actually believe in literal Satan, or any god. We are atheists. Satan is used as a symbol of rebellion against tyrannical authority.

My response to the ‘tax break’ people:

Same thing I said to my parents, and the scoffed as though I attacked them. My dad, specifically, raised me with lots of platitudes about being a good and honest person and how you don’t want to associate with shifty people and liars...

Evangelicals, especially. An entire generation of white Christian Americans underwent a spiritual revolution during the Reagan years. Evangelicalism became the religion of the Christian Boomers. You can add our political system to the list of things they helped destroy.

Hey, leave Satan out of this! That’s my guy! 

Can’t speak for the devil worshipers, but tRump isn’t exactly popular with Satanists. He’s the antithesis of everything we stand for.

That’s not true...millions voted because the Republicans in general and Trump specifically promised to kick brown people out of the country and keep any more from coming. Trump specifically promised transfer massive wealth from those who have little by cutting taxes on the rich under the thoroughly debunked

My friend said that’s how she realized her boss had voted for him - he wasn’t upset the day after and he wasn’t really prepared for people to be upset (which says something about how insulated he is). And then tried to backpedal, like “Well, it won’t be so bad, he’s just one man.” Yeah. Won’t be so bad FOR YOU,

The irritating thing is, people voted for him supposedly because they were tired of the same old “corrupt lying politicians”, but he’s literally taken the term to a whole new level and dragged the gop and a whole lot of other people with him.

A non-Black WOC friend found out her boss had voted for him and she was so upset because she’d really liked and respected her boss before. She kept saying “He has daughters!” He’s an educated guy, an executive at a Fortune 50 company. She was so disappointed. 

My grandfather was funny, doted on his grandkids, wore a button-up and slacks every day, paid his bills, didn’t bother his neighbors, and was nice to everyone.

But he was also a sexist, homophobic and racist abusive asshole. And as soon as anyone who wasn’t straight, white, or christian got out of earshot he

That damn drift is visible worldwide. We see it in Germany at the moment, with the rise of the right-wing AFD. When an official state judge rules that it is clearly ok to call one of the party leaders a Nazi based on his views and outings in public, then you know what you are dealing with.
The people voting for these

Young professionals, small business owners, college educated, stay at home parents etc.

The only college educated people I personally know who voted for Drumpf have degrees in things like business, IT and law, where there tends to be a higher concentration of selfish, self-worshiping sociopaths whose primary concern is their “personal wealth management.”

Same. I don’t talk to a lot of family members and one of my closest friends anymore. She claimed she voted for him for “economic reasons” and couldn’t understand why I was so disgusted that her support for other causes—LGBT+ and women’s rights, social justice, immigration—was that conditional. That she would throw so

As someone who was already drifting from my religious upbringing pre-2016, the wholehearted support for Trump from that camp pretty much severed the cord.

Ditto with my mom. Thankfully the arguments ceased when I said “He’s the direct opposite of literally everything that you raised me to be.”

And thats sad. Even sadder is how many people fail to realize how industrious all of this is. Since the ‘16 election, families have been broken up. People have stopped talking to their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles etc. People have gotten divorces over the support for Trump and other obvious racist shit.

Yup, If someone had told me 6 years ago, my aunt would vote for someone like Trump, I’d have laughed in their faces. Now, I don't even recognize her anymore.

Right. The complacency. That’s why when I’ve watched things like The Man in The High Castle or The Handmaids Tale, I think about how if some shit were to do down or we were taken over by Nazis or some evil racist regime, how many white people would go along with it under the guise of “I was just trying to keep my