
I’ll be honest: I’m glad both of them got lit up by the courts.

He blows my mind that someone who (from the chat logs) appears to be just a lowly GED educated, McDonald’s fry cooking, government supported idiot can be that good with computers. Surely he’s just some script kiddie, right?

99.9% chance you have a twitch stream, 14 subscribers, and believe in ELO hell

I’m fucking sick of seeing this shit so let’s put it to bed once and for all.

I honestly believe that nobody lives out this code of art ethics more than Kojima. His games have gone across four generations of consoles, they all do well, and people constantly talk over themselves as to whether it’s great or horrible. Like arguing over a bad Picasso.  

You know what annoyed me? When the Cubs won the World Series despite the fact that the Indians scored the exact same amount of touchdowns as the Cubs did.


Time limits to get to the next scoop? Completely removed.

I understand the gawker progeny love to shit on Trump at every turn, but saying he shouldn’t care because he won’t get to use it is about as short sighted as you can get.

Just thought of this, but what if this is them retconning in Snoke and the Knights of Ren?

I find it maddening that we cannot have diplomatic relations with a Democratically elected nation for fear of pissing-off an Authoritarian Communist state.

“Of course, this is the internet, so this entire backstory could be a false. “

Oh wait....You said it first so any response will instantly be labeled as just a whine! Kudos to you.

The only way this could have been more fitting was if it had caught fire and burned.

I hope the Cuban people can now get a fair shot with him gone, and America being run by the grown ups again who aren’t afraid to call Castro a dictator wrapped in “communism”.

This truly made my morning. What a fitting end to a truly reprehensible person. Do not RIP Fidel, Do not.

When puppets keep on doing stuff absent the puppet masters, you can’t really call them puppets anymore. What would be the threshold? What bar would they have to clear to achieve personhood? They improvise and plan according to their own goals. They create and dream. They will violently defend their ability to continue

The gameplay is TLOF is fantastic. Intelligent, creative, fun.

Well thank God, the first game was a little too sunshine-and-roses for my tastes.

if its just clarkson with the bracelets.. maybe he buys into the copper/magnetic bracelets ease arthritis thing..