
Excellent article, you made a lot of good points for new and old riders alike. ATGATT. Always. Always. When I had a low-side at ~45mph in my first summer of riding, my Olympus textile jacket and pants saved my ass, literally. I was able to pop right back up and get my unscathed dumb ass out of the road. I can't

I realized a few months ago when NY finally thawed out that my girlfriend's Beige Prius DDing neighbor has a beautiful black Roadster hidden in his garage. Hopefully this could be the icebreaker that I can use to get a quick test drive, I've tried bringing the car up before but the poor guy seems pretty oblivious that

That's bloody brilliant.

I wish more consumer products would adhere to the IP rating system, it's more of an electronics industry thing but it would be really useful for a product like that.

Anyone planning a European bachelor party who hasn't researched hot lapping the Nurburgring with one of these needs to start feeling disappointed.

Someone needs to offer a service which provides the best of these two worlds. Right now.

To be honest, that's pretty cool. Cheap respray to a matte black, sell the wheels, splash the thing around in the mud for a while and you'd have a pretty sweet Mad Max tribute. I'm sure that guy's asking price was thoroughly crack pipe though.

Orrrr the child's environment and their expectations lead them to that conclusion falsely. Not really trying to be an ass, I'm just saying that's really not any better than the 3rd party gendering mentioned above.

We should all start a petition to get blue shirt guy extradited to a country where stoning is a legal form of punishment. Justice for Aventador!

ToddlerGate 2014, never forget.

3.) Jaguar XJS V12

Here's how Smart markets itself on Twitter and Facebook. Facepalm!

I always pictured Kimi as more of an unfiltered Lucky Strikes kind of guy


Seriously. I am 100% pro-gun but I hold no delusions about being blown away if I ever started pointing a gun at someone that isn't directly threatening an innocent life, especially in front of cops. You can't fix stupid, in this case.

Any chance of a Mallaise Era feature? Something like determining the absolute worst automobile to come out of that time, probably with some races and possibly fire. And a lot of oil on the ground.

You hit the nail on the head with that one. It's so impressive to see a CEO who actually runs his company instead of counting beans all day.

When I was a kid in a recreational lacrosse league, someone's father knew someone important and got a B-2 from the local AFB to do two low level passes and a steeply banked turn right over our fairly remote field, it was awesome. Fast forward 10 years and I've got a degree in aeronautical engineering and still think

Stage 9 right? I think I recall seeing that guy too. The little kid in his yard going nuts as all manner of modded Subarus collect in his driveway to tear down the caution tape was a personal highlight for me. He thought the volunteers were racers too, a mistake that I'm not going to correct. Hooning around on a

It seems that almost everyone shuts up and starts having a good time once the cars start running. It's those precious minutes of closed road between the 000 and the first car out that seem to get everyone all riled up with righteous fury that they can't go out shopping for an hour. That said, I won't be shocked at all