
Goodbye Solo Trip:

Mendes is a kid trying to navigate his own coming of age, and doing so in a remarkably graceful way. He clearly feels pressure to be “seen dating a girl” even if he isn’t in a relationship, while he seems genuinely mindful of the well-being of fans who are gay. What his sexuality turns out to be is for him to discuss

I love Jimmy John’s. I know that’s not a popular opinion around these parts, but we like what we like. I think the reasons I enjoy are the bread and the overuse of mayonnaise. I would imagine a person’s opinion on mayonnaise and their opinion of Jimmy John’s are closely related. 

I’m a commoner.  I don’t know how to pronounce those words either.  

Hey dummy, the article has evidence of bad behavior. Read and also shut the fuck up.

I absolutely love 10 Things, but I’d like to take this moment to shower Pen15 with adoration. I’ve never felt so personally connected to characters in their adolescence. I lit-rally was Anna growing up, down to playing the french horn and singing choir solos while the song plays in your head every time *that* boy who


Get Out was very good and very popular. It is the only film by Jordan Peele. Unsuprisingly there’s hype for his next effort.

You realize subways are electric, right? You also realize one train can move HUNDREDS of people at once, right? Breakdowns are due to deferred maintenance, not because the concept is flawed.

You realize that subways are electric right?

Uh, so can highways.

The subway is electric and breaks all the time. Being electric doesn’t mean it’s reliable at all.

Being polite to someone you dislike isn’t fake. She should break up with him directly, but the issue isn’t that she has been fake. It’s that she’s communicated indirectly and he hasn’t picked up the hint.

Women don’t have an obligation to give men their time or attention.

You are there to answer some damn questions.

I had the same reaction to reading this story. So now if you’re traveling with an infant and simply bring all of the items necessary to care for that infant on a long flight - diapers, wipes, butt ointment, two spare outfits, bottles, formula, spit-up cloth, light blanket, heavy blanket, pacifier, intelligence

I don’t get why it’s either or. How about a balanced diet of protein to carbs? Then you aren’t getting off smells either freaking way.


I mean we did eat that apple 

Considering Michelle Williams was named after a member of Destiny’s Child it seems like she ought to follow their careers more closely